A: Darley Bridge, Matlock, Shining Cliff, Heights of Abraham & Winster; 11.7ml
B: Darley Bridge, Winster  8.2mi

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25/05/2022 10:00 - 16:00

A: Darley Bridge, Matlock, Shining Cliff, Heights of Abraham & Winster; 11.7ml
Coordinator: Tim Taylor
Start: Darley Br picnic area SK270624
Pub: Miner's Standard, Winster; good, comfy, good beers, well received
Maps: White Peak E - 119 Buxton Matlock & Dove Dale
Route AM: S over Darley Br, fps etc SEly by Oker to Matlock Br; fps etc SSWly (coffee) by Shining Cliff, Heights of Abraham to 285582; fps/rd NWly by Croft Fm to rd 272591; rd 250m NW; Moorlands Ln 500m WSW; Lst Way WNWly (lunch) by Luntor Rocks 248602 to Winster, Miner's Standard 238602.
Route PM: Rd/ln (old Portway)/rd SW/NW/N to 229618; fps NNE/ESE b Rocking Stone Fm to rd Uppertown Fm 240617; Clough & Oldfield Lns Ely to Darley Br & cars
B: Darley Bridge, Winster  8.2mi
Coordinator: Gwyn Thomas
Start: Darley Br picnic area
Pub: Miners’s Standard, Winster SK274603
Map: White Peak E
Route AM 5.5mi: Rd S, cross river, SE/S along Heritage Way to 281608. Fp W to Rd, where S to Snitterton, via Leewold Farm, Jughole Wood to rd 279593. Rd W to junction, trk SW to 266590. Fp NW on Limestone Way via Luntor Rocks to Winster, where rd SW to pub.
Route PM 2.7mi: Rd/fp N, across Elton Rd, to 240609. NE to Clough Lane, E to Darley Bridge and cars.

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