A: Outer Edge and the Little Don from Langsett; 11.0ml
B: Chapel Milton, Eccles Pike & Buxworth; 6.9ml

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26/01/2022 10:00 - 16:00

A: Outer Edge and the Little Don from Langsett; 11.0ml
Coordinator: Mike Gregg
Start: Langsett CP SE210004
Route: Langsett Reservoir, Hordron Clough, Howden Edge, Outer Edge, Midhope Moors

B: Chapel Milton, Eccles Pike & Buxworth; 6.9ml
Coordinator: Jim Bintcliffe
Start: Chinley Chapel SK055820
Pub: Navigation, Buxworth 023820
Maps: Dark Peak W
Route AM: 4.1mi Rd E 200m, fp SW/W under rly to rd 051818. Rd SW to Laneside 049815, fp WSW to
Eccles Pike. Fp 100m S to rd, rd WSW by Hilltop to Sunart 020808. Trk/fp/rd Nly to Buxworth,
Route PM: 2.8mi Trl Ely to rd 050817, rd 100m NE to 051818. Fp E, under rly & over FB, trk/rds NE/W
to cars.

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