A: Shillito Wood, Cartledge, Common Side, Cutthorpe, Linacre & Moorhall; 12.25ml
B: Chapel Milton, Eccles Pike & Buxworth; 6.9ml

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08/02/2023 10:00 - 16:00

A: Shillito Wood, Cartledge, Common Side, Cutthorpe, Linacre & Moorhall; 12.25ml
Done: 16/10/2002 (Ian Howie)
Start: Parking Shillito Wood SK295750
Pub: Peacock Inn, Cutthorpe
Maps: - 1:25,000: White Peak E
AM Route : (7 mi) Rd SSW to rd junction 294748; track/ fps/rd N/Ely by Fox Lane Plnttn, junction 293766, Bank Wood to B6051 311765; fp NEly S of Horsleygate to rd Cartledge Hall 323773; lane/rd/fp SEly by Brindwoodgate, 'Dam' to rd junction Common Side 340754; rd/fps/Ford!/Common Lane Sly to rd Cutthorpe 344735; rd SWly to 340733, Peacock Inn.
PM. Route : (5.25 mi) Rd 250m Ely, overshooting planned fp; lane SEly to Cutthorpe Hall; fp SWly to fp junction 342725; fps & various concession paths Wly by Water Works, Linacre Wood, , to fp junction 317727; fps/rd/fp N/NW by Bluster Castle, Barlow Grange, Grange Wood to rd Moorhall 310747; rd 1.5km W to 296747; informal fp N thro wood to cars

B: Chapel Milton, Eccles Pike & Buxworth; 6.9ml
Done: 26/01/2022
Start: Chinley Chapel SK055820
Pub: Navigation, Buxworth 023820
Maps: Dark Peak W
AM Route: Rd E 200m, fp SW/W under rly to rd 051818. Rd SW to Laneside 049815, fp WSW to Eccles Pike. Fp 100m S to rd, rd WSW by Hilltop to Sunart 020808. Trk/fp/rd Nly to Buxworth, Navigation.
PM Route: Trl Ely to rd 050817, rd 100m NE to 051818. Fp E, under rly & over FB, trk/rds NE/W to cars.

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