Fairholmes, Hagg Farm, Win Hill, Ladybower & Whinstone Lee Tor 11.5m

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02/06/2021 All day

CAUTION - route details may be out of date!

Fairholmes, Hagg Farm, Win Hill, Ladybower & Whinstone Lee Tor  11.5m

Start: Fairholmes, Derwent, 173893

Pub: Ladybower Inn; good, welcoming; good, though dear, beer

Maps: Dark Peak E - 110 Sheffield & Huddersfield

Route AM: Cncssn fp Wly/Sly by Lockerbrook* & Hagg Fms to A57 162886;

Fps Sly/SEly by Haggwater Bridge, Hope Cross (coffee) to Win Hill** (lunch);

cncssn fp etc E/NNE down Parkin Clough & to A6013 202849 (corner-cutting fp

closed); rds Nly to Ashopton, Ladybower Inn 205865

Route PM: ***Trk W & inf fp/fp/inf fp Nly by Lead Hill, Whinstone

Lee Tor 198876 to Dovestone Clough 192898; trod W/N round hill & down into

Far Deep Clough 188905; steeply up Wly to Near Deep Clough 183904 (tea);

trspss Wly down Hollin Clough to resvr; S/SW to cars

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