Sparklow, Vincent House, Pilsbury, High Sheen & Longnor 10.25m

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26/05/2021 All day

Caution - route details may be out of date!

Sparklow, Vincent House, Pilsbury, High Sheen & Longnor  10.25m

Start: Sparklow (Hurdlow) 128659*

Pub: Cheshire Cheese, Longnor. Good, Robbies, well received

Maps: White Peak W - 119 Buxton, Matlock & Dove Dale

Route AM: **Trl S to 143639; fps SW/W by Darley Fm, Vincent Ho to rd

Pilsbury 121634; rd/fp/rd SW/S down over Dove & up to rd 116625; rd/fps/rd

Wly by High Sheen, S of Sheen Hill*** (lunch) to 105623; fps NW/Nly by Lower

Boothlow & river meadows to Longnor, Cheshire Cheese

Route PM: ****NEly down over Dove to rd 097661, up past Aldery Cliff            

to 098666, fp line WNWly to Hurdlow Grange, rd/fp to trl 123667, SW to cars

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