Join Us

Becoming a Member

The Club welcomes and encourages enthusiastic new Members interested in mountaineering, climbing, hill walking and related activities.  The Club is an active participant in the BMC #FindYourAdventure initiative and you can find out more about the Club and its activities by going to our #FindYourAdventure page or by browsing this website.

New Members must be proposed and seconded by members of the Club, and are elected at the discretion of the Committee.  If you don’t know anyone yet, then you would be very welcome to come along on a Meet or two and you are bound to find a couple of people to help with your application.  The annual subscription is £60.  For Members under the age of 27 the rate is £25.00.

Meanwhile, you can become an Associate Member immediately.  Associate Members receive the Club’s quarterly newsletter Meetstaff by email.  They also benefit from reduced rate hut fees at our own huts and may attend Meets on the same terms as Members.  Importantly you will become a Club Member of the British Mountaineering Council (BMC) and able to access its services.  The cost is only £30 a year and this sum is used wholly to register and insure you as a club member of the BMC.  Meetstaff, enables you to find out what is going on and choose what to get involved with.  Normally Associate Membership lasts for up to two years to allow time to attend some Meets and make some new friends who will support your application for membership.  Simply send your completed application form to or for more information contact us (see below).

Note: The Club does not undertake to train Members in any mountain activities and we emphasise that members must take full responsibility for their own safety in the mountains. The key requirement is self sufficiency.

Benefits of Club membership: Most of our Members join to share the companionship of like-minded individuals in enjoying the outdoors; see About for more information on the diverse range of activities and opportunities available to Club Members.

Members benefit from use of the Club’s three huts, access to a range of other clubs’ huts, and the three BMC – Mountaineering Scotland national huts.  Members also benefit from reduced cost entry to Indoor Meets, discounts of up to 15% at a wide range of outdoor shops and reduced entry fees to local climbing walls.

The Club is affiliated to the BMC and Members and Associate Members benefit from Combined Liability Insurance and a range of other services and discounts, – see the BMC. The BMC adheres to a “Participation Statement” which is endorsed by the Rucksack Club (and all other affiliated Clubs). This reads: “The BMC recognises that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement”.

To find out more about membership contact us here:-


For Membership Application Form click here.

For Associate Member Application Form click here.

Please return your completed application form to: