Wanted – High Moss Warden

After a very productive six years as Hut Warden at High Moss, Boece has decided it is time to step back and let somebody else take up the mantle.   During this time Boece and team have driven through a series of major improvements, including changes to the upstairs layout, four new bathrooms and most recently a full set of new windows.  HM was 55 years old last week, and these changes have given it a fantastic refresh and put it in a great position for providing another 55 years of service to the club.

HM works on a dual warden model with Steve Beswick handling the booking side of role and Boece handling the more practical side of looking after the hut.    Steve is happy to continue to handle bookings.

So if you have ever fancied getting involved in one of our key club roles, this is your opportunity.   Please get in touch with either myself, Steve or Boece and we can arrange a call to talk through exactly what the role involves and answer any questions you may have.

High Moss
High Moss

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