A grand day out

Perefct weather (as promised), excellent company and a warm welcome at the pub – what more could one want?  The Marsden-Edale this year scored 10 out of 10 for every aspect.

Marsden-Edale 2024 Frosty dawn on Black Hill
Marsden-Edale 2024 Frosty dawn on Black Hill
Marsden-Edale 2024 Black Hill
Marsden-Edale 2024 Black Hill
Marsden-Edale 2024 Devil's Dike.
Marsden-Edale 2024 Devil’s Dike.

A frosty start, clear blue skies for the whole day and virtually no breeze – what a contrast to the weather we’ve been experiencing for the past two months! The going was “heavy” in places, but considering how saturated the ground is, it was much better than anticipated. In fact for most of the route the conditions underfoot were excellent and there was less water in the streams/rivers than normal.

After a georgeous day over Black Hill and Bleaklow, the crossing of Kinder was done in failing light followed by a steep decent into Edale with headlamps. 10 people (plus 3 dogs) started and 10 people (plus 3 dogs) completed. Many thanks to all concerned, I’ll do a full report for Meetstaff…

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