The Rucksack Club
The Rucksack Club

Swimming Meet

The weather, and water, has been cold this year and I have not been spending time outdoors in the water. I still plan to swim the length of Llyn Padarn on Saturday with a smaller swim planned earlier in the morning (not too early though). On Sunday, a short drive to Ogwen, walk up to Ffynnon Lloer under Pen yr Ole Wen. Gareth is offering canoe support for the swim on Saturday but if we can also have a car at each end it will mean we can stow dryrobes, towels and warm clothing. I intend to wear a wetsuit to swim on Sunday, maybe just cozzy on Saturday. Canoe and paddleboard rental is available at Snowdonia Watersports for anyone fancying a different type of splashing . Pre-booking would be advisable. There is a meal planned for Saturday night – vegetarian and with a gluten free option for anyone who needs. Please book in by the end of Tuesday so I can sort out logistics – details in handbook Netty 🙂

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Peak Climbing Wall – Discount for RC Members

Peak Climbing Wall  have kindly offered to give Rucksack Club members a discount.  The wall is located in Leekbrook – just outside Leek, Staffordshire (Unit 8, Cheadle Rd, Leek ST13 7DR) – more info here: Prices are on their website.  They are offering members the lower concession rate normally available to seniors (over 65s) or under 18s (and if you are in that group already 10% off that rate). They ask for a basic indication of your membership – taking your Handbook or showing a copy of this post should be ok. Thanks to RC member Nick Bentley for arranging this.  Nick is willing to answer any questions about this (

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The Rucksack Club

Beudy bookings update

This is how it’s looking over the next couple of months;- This coming weekend (14-16 June) is Dominic’s Gogarth Meet but about half a dozen people have edged their bets on the weather by booking in the hut. Peak Climbing Club are in the weekend after (21-23 June) with 11 spaces booked and to end the month (28-30) June it’s Pete Edgerton’s Slate Trail Meet. Details in Meetstaff – contact Pete direct if you want to book on the Meet. In July, long-time regulars OBEC (Old Bromsgrovian Expeditionary Club) have booked the whole hut for the first weekend (5-7 July). Netty Llewellyn’s Club Meet is on the following weekend (12-14 July). Again, details in Meetstaff and contact Netty direct. Peak Climbing Club are back are back again (they really like the place!) the weekend after (19-21) with 11 spaces booked. Beudy is then available for the rest of July and, going to press, the whole of August. In fact, there are no bookings for September until Lewis Ashton’s Meet (20-22 September). So – plenty of opportunities for you to ‘Get Out There!’. I’m always puzzled by the lack of midweek bookings given the age profile of our membership and the[…]

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Gogarth Apologies from Helen

As some of you know, I’ve been out of action with a back strain for the last few weeks. I’m on the mend, but still a long way from full fitness. So, with many apologies, I’m giving the Gogarth meet a miss this year (as I’m sure you can imagine, it’s a very demanding weekend!) Please give Dom as much support as you can with the barbecue – I know there will be many of you willing to step up! 🙏

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The Rucksack Club

Thanks from Eunice Sinclair

Eunice Sinclair has asked me to thank the many members of the Rucksack Club and Black and Tans who sent condolences following the sad loss of her husband, Dave Sinclair. The kind words and shared memories of special times in the hills with Dave were of great comfort to Eunice, their son Stephen and his wife Denise. Rob Ferguson.

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The Rucksack Club

(Almost) Complete set of RC Journals – need a good home

Dave Alderson would like to sell his RCJs, ideally to someone else in the Club. Although Dave is in NZ, the RCJs are in UK and would have to be collected.  The set is missing a few of the early annual reports (1903, 04, 05) and two or three more journals, one around WWII and maybe a couple of others later. Please get in touch with Dave to progress, his contact details are in the handbook.

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