Edwin Coope – Funeral Arrangements

Carole Smithies writes:

Sad to report Edwin Coope, who joined the Club in 1999, passed away on Tuesday the 18th June.  Whilst Edwin joined the Club comparatively late in life, –he was in his fifties, he came with a first-class record as a mountaineer and fell runner.  The year before he joined, he did the Joss Naylor Challenge in under 14 hours, and in all, he completed 21 Lake District Mountain Trails.

Edwin’s funeral will take place on Wednesday 3rd July at St. Thomas of Canterbury RC church, Lonsdale Rd., Bolton, BL1 4PN, at 10 -00am.  Please, let me know if you will be at the funeral, so we can let the family know.  Contact details as in the handbook.

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