A: Grindleford, Millstone, Stanage & Bamford Edges, Bamford & Hathersage; 11.5ml
B: Grindleford, White Edge, Froggat Edge; 9.1ml (or shorten to 7.1ml)

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01/03/2023 10:00 - 16:00

A: Grindleford, Millstone, Stanage & Bamford Edges, Bamford & Hathersage; 11.5ml
Done: 07/11/2001 (Ian Howie) 10/10/2007 (Reg Boot) 16/10/2013 (Chris Massey) 25/10/2017 (Gerry Oliver)
Start: Grindleford Station SK251788
Pub: Anglers Rest, Bamford
Maps: - 1:25,000: Dark Peak E & White Peak E
AM Route : (7 mi) Fps/informal paths (with difficulty) Nly/NNEly by Bolehill Quarry, below Lawrencefield Edge, over A625 248801, traverses & scrambles ending up at top of N end of Millstone Edge , on past Higger Tor to rd 256823; informal fps NW to & along top of Stanage Edge & down Causeway; fp NWly below edge to Crow Chin area approx 224855; difficult ground W to fp & Sly by Bamford Edge Quarry down to rd 216840; rd/lane (Leeside Rd) SWly down Bamford Clough to Bamford, Anglers Rest
PM. Route : (4.5 mi) Rd (Joan Lane) SEly to 213830; fp SE/ESE over golf course by Strawhay Barn to rd Coggers Lane 225823; rds/fps etc down Sly over A625 227814 & SEly to Leadmill Br; fps E/SSE on E bank of Derwent to fp junction 244789; fp/lane Ely back to cars

B: Grindleford, White Edge, Froggat Edge; 9.1ml (or shorten to 7.1ml)
Start: Grindleford Station SK251788
Pub: ED The Maynard or Sir William, Grindleford
Maps: - 1:25,000: Dark Peak E & White Peak E
Route: climb SE, across rd, fp E to White Edge. S/SW/SE to rd at 276740. Fp SW to Wellington's Monument, N to cross rd onto Curbar Edge. Continue along Froggat to cross rd, N to cars. To shorten, descend from White Edge at 267751 to rd.

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