A: Hartington. Dove Dale & Alstonefield 9.5 ml
B: Hartington, Friden, Biggin 8.5 ml 400 ft

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24/07/2024 10:00 - 16:00

A: Hartington. Dove Dale & Alstonefield 9.5 ml
Done: 31/03/2004, 03/03/2010 (George Wilks)
Start: Hartington old Sta SK149610
Route AM - Fp/ln/rd S/SW/S via Heathcote to 148595, fp Sly down Biggin Dale & Dove Dale to Coldeaton Br 146561, over & up Wly/SWly by muddy lane to Alstonefield, The George
Route PM Route PM - Fp Nly then NWly from 131557 to 127565, slight trespass to continue Nly on fp along edge of Narrowdale to 126576, very muddy lane/fp NEly to fb over Dove 131584, Nly/Ely by fp/rd/lane to Heathcote, fp E to join old rly at 152603, W/N to cars

B: Hartington, Friden, Biggin 8.5 ml 400 ft
Start: Hartington old Sta SK149610
Pub: ED Devonshire Arms, Hartington
NE across A515 to High Peak Trail, SE via Friden to Gotham. fp S to Cardlemere Lane, NW to cross A515. Rd W towards Biggin, Tissington Trail NW back to cars.

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    A: Delph Circular via White Hill and Pennine Way (Ian's back yard) 13 ml
    Coordinator: Ian Helliwell
    Start: Delph car park SD986078 (additional parking on main road in front of woolen mill)
    Pub: White Lion in Delph (good) or possibly the Diggle Hotel which is on the route at the 10 mile point.
    Maps: South Pennines
    Route AM. Tame river path NW to SD971089, up to Heights Church SD982090 then via devious paths (to avoid Broad Lane) past Broadhead Noddle, down the Pennine Bridleway to cross the reservoir via the Dowry Road (track) bridge SD987114. Then by little used paths alongside Crook Gate reservoir, up via Lurden to cross Readycon Dean dam and follow the N side of the reservoir to SD991126. Next via a lovely little known path N to White Hill. Lunch.

    Route PM. Pennine Way SE (passing the most easterly point in Lancashire) via Millstone Edge and Standedge to A62. S via tracks and interesting, little used paths to SE017081. To Diggle Hotel (possible pub stop) via river path and Diglea. Towpath S to Weakey SE003075. E, SE then E to Lark Hill SD994075. Down Lark Hill Lane (track) to A62. Then via Midgrove Lane and Tame River path to start. Early doors at the White Lion.

    B: Delph Circular 8 ml
    Start: Delph car park SD986078 (additional parking on main road in front of woolen mill)
    Pub: White Lion in Delph (good) or possibly the Diggle Hotel which is on the route at the 10 mile point.
    Maps: South Pennines
    route tba

  • 07/08/2024 10:00 - 07/08/2024 16:00

    A: Brassington Carsington Hognaston 11 ml
    Start: parking/picnic spot N of Brassington SK233547
    Pub: Red Lion, Hognaston or early doors at Ye Olde Gate Inn, Brassington
    Maps: - 1:25,000:White Peak E & 259 Derby, Uttoxeter Ashbourne & Cheadle
    Route AM: 6ml Rd SW to main rd, N/NE (Manystones Lane) to 233549, where fp N/NE to Midshires Way. SE below Harboro’ Rocks to 250546, S/SW to rd in Carsington. SE/SW over rd to join fp round lake. Past car parks and visitors to cross rd at 240515,. FPs W/SW/S, Green Lane to Hognaston, NW to Red Lion.
    Route PM: 5ml Rd to 233507, FPs W to 219504. Rd NW to B5035, W to 220508, FPs N via Bank Top to Park Farm. FPs N/NE to Nether Lane 224524, SE to 227531, NE/N to Brassington.

    B: Brassington, Carsington 8.9 ml 1024 ft
    Done: 06/07/2022, 30/11/2022
    Start: parking/picnic spot N of Brassington SK233547
    Pub: early doors at Ye Olde Gate Inn, Brassington
    Maps: - 1:25,000:White Peak E & 259 Derby, Uttoxeter Ashbourne & Cheadle
    Route: Rd SW to main rd, N/NE (Manystones Lane) to 233549, where fp N/NE to Midshires Way. SE below Harboro’ Rocks to 250546, S/SW to rd in Carsington. SE/SW over rd to join fp round lake. Just before car parks and visitors 240518, W/NW on rd to Netherton Hall. Fp NE/N to Brassington.

  • 14/08/2024 10:00 - 14/08/2024 16:00

    A: Near Black Clgh, Bleaklow Head & Stones, Barrow Stones & Round Hill 11 ml
    Done: 04/09/1996 (Ian Howie), 14/09/2005 (Lyn Noble), 07/10/2009 (Bill Russell p.m Harvey Condliffe), 17/08/2011, 14/09/2016 (Les Watt)
    Start: Old Woodhead Station SK115999
    Pub: Early doors Bull's Head, Old Glossop good (check pub please)
    Maps: Dark Peak W
    Route AM: Near Black Clough to Bleaklow Head, Ely to Wain Stones
    Route PM: Ely to Barrow Stones, Nly across head of Derwent to Swain Head, watershed ENE to appx 143983, Nly over Round Hill to join old rd appx 145000, old rd Wly back by Salter's Brook to appx 116002, new fp down Sly to cars

    B: Woodhead, Far Black Clough, Bleaklow Head and Near Black Clough 7.4 ml 1318 ft
    Done: 27/06/2012
    Start: Old Woodhead Station SK115998
    Pub: ???Queen’s Old Glossop, early doors
    Maps: 1:25000 Dark Peak West
    Route: S over bridge & trk/fp SE to & up Far Black Clough to approx 123981, then ESE across moor to approx 125980. Stakes path (indistinct) S/SW/W by Bleaklow Stones to Bleaklow Head. Fp NE down Near Black Clough & trk NW back to cars.

  • 21/08/2024 10:00 - 21/08/2024 16:00

    A: Lord's Bridge, Bradley-in-the-Moors, Denstone, Prestwood & Alton 10.75 ml
    Done: 05/03/2003 (Wilks)
    Coordinator: Tim Taylor
    Start: Car Park Lords Bridge SK062432
    Pub: The Tavern, Denstone Good
    Maps: - 1:25,000: 259 Derby Uttoxeter Ashbourne & Cheadle - 1:50,000: 119 Buxton Matlock & Dove Dale
    Morning Route: (5.75 mi) Staffs Way NW up Ousal Dale to junction 052438; fps S/SE by YH (S of Dimmingsdale look out for left path fork in wood, not waymarked), Alton Common, (coffee), to rd 057416; rd SEly thro Bradley-in-the-Moors to 061412; fps NE to rd junction 069417; rd 250m S to Spond Fm; fp E to rd Newhouse Fm 076414; rd NNW 250m; fps/rd ESEly by Windyharbour, (lunch), Oliver's Green to Denstone,
    Afternoon Route: (5 mi) Rds Ely to 101407; old rly NNE 300m; rds Nly over Churnet to Quixhill Lane 100415; fps Nly/NWly over rd Prestwood 101423, by a fb over a small stream, Hole Fm (now part of JCB testing ground, good stiles & waymarks) to fp junction Brookleys 093433; fps/track/fps WSWly below Ina's Rock, over Churnet 083427 & up to join Staffs Way at Alton Town Head 076425; Staffs Way Wly thro Alton (looked at Castle ruins) & NWly back by Toothill Rock to Lord's Bridge

    B: Lords Bridge, Whiston, Oakamoor, 8.7 ml 1218 ft
    Start: Car Park Lords Bridge SK062432
    Pub: Oakamoor
    Maps: Maps: 810 Ashbourne & Churnet - 119 Buxton, Matlock & Dove Dale
    NW up Ousal Dale, via Hawksmoor Cottage, Staffordshire Way, to 028457 where NNE across River Churnet at Ross Bridge to Whiston. Rd/fp Ely to 054469 where Sly to Oakamoor.

  • 28/08/2024 10:00 - 28/08/2024 16:00

    A: Barber Booth, Mam Tor, Lose Hill, Hope & Hope Cross 11.5 ml
    Done: 17/03/2004 (Brian Richards), 31/03/2010 (Chris Massey)
    Start: Car Park Barber Booth SK108848
    Route AM - Rd/fp Ely to Small Clough, Sly up to Mam Tor, NEly along ridge to Lose Hill, SEly down to Hope, Cheshire Cheese
    Route PM - Rd/old Roman rd Nly to Hope Cross, WSWly by Jaggers Clough Rowland Cote & Edale village (Grindsbrook Booth) to cars

    B: Barber Booth, Mam Tor, Hollins Cross & Ollerbrook Booth 7.7 ml 1442 ft
    Done: 10/08/2022 (Chris Massey)
    Start: Car Park Barber Booth SK108848
    Pub: Nag's Head Edale
    Maps: Dark Peak - 110 Sheffield & Huddersfield
    Route AM 5.6ml: Rd E to rd jcn Barber Booth, fp Ely to Greenlands 125844. Fp S to Mam Nick & NE over Mam Tor to Hollins Cross. Fp NNEly by Backtor Farm, Backtor Bridge to Rd 137856. Rd NE under rly to 138858. Trk NNW, fp Wly by Ollerbrook Booth to pub.
    Route PM 2.1ml: Pennine Way WSW to Upper Booth, fp SE to FB at rly, rd back W to cars.

  • 04/09/2024 10:00 - 04/09/2024 16:00

    A: Langley. Rossen Clough, Greasley Hollow & Allgreave 11.5 ml
    Done: 07/07/2004 (Simon Wilson)
    Start: Tegsnose Reservoir SJ946717
    Pub: Rose & Crown, Allgreave welcoming, pleasant landlord, bitter ú1
    Maps: White Peak West
    Route AM - Rd/fp/rd by Backridges & Ridge Hall Fms to Rossen Clough938697, fp Sly by Lower Pethills, Brooms, L & R at A54, Butterlands ,Lower Greasley, Greasley Hollow & with difficulty to Nettlebeds 960654. fpsE/NE thro Wincle to Allmeadows 969667, rds N/E to Allgreave, Rose & Crown
    Route PM - Rd/ln NNW, scramble along brook bank to fb 971678, rd W, fp up W by Hammerton Knowl Fm to jn 964679, rd NW past Nab End Fm to951683, fp N (trespass at Pot Lords) to Gritstone Trl, followed back to cars

    B: Langley, TeggsNose CP & Macclesfield Forest 7.3 ml 1395 ft
    Start: Tegsnose Reservoir SJ946717
    Pub: Stanley Arms SJ 980724
    Maps: - 1:25,000: White Peak W
    AM 3.1 mi: NE to Clough House 952726, trks/fps/rd NE/Ely to pub.
    PM 4.2 mi: Rd SSW to 978714, Forest trks SWly/NWly by 968704 to Clarke Lane, N by Bottoms Reservoir to cars.

  • 11/09/2024 10:00 - 11/09/2024 16:00

    A: Merryton Low, the Hamps, Onecote, Butterton, Warslow & Revidge 11 ml
    Done: 19/02/1997 (Howie)
    Start: Merryton Low appx SK043610
    Pub: Greyhound, Warslow good, chips, lit fire, polite about boots off
    Maps: White Peak W - 119 Buxton, Matlock & Dove Dale
    Route AM: Trsp/rd S/WSWly to nr Mermaid 038604; fps Sly down Hamps, E bank to fb 046582 then W bank (lunch) to Onecote Grange; fps E/ENE by Home Fm & The Twist to Butterton; fp/rd/fps NE/N to Warslow, The Greyhound
    Route PM: Rd/fp WNW/N by Revidge to rd nr Cuckoostone 078609; rd/fp NNWly to Ford 074616; fps/ln/fp WSWly by Little Fernyford, Lower Fleetgreen, (with navigational, wind & rain difficulties) to Merryton Low

    B: Rainow (Richard/Gavin)
    Robin Hood, Rainow SJ952762
    Robin Hood, Rainow (Early Doors)

  • 18/09/2024 10:00 - 18/09/2024 16:00

    A: Ashop Clough, Upper Red Brook, Trig Pt 624, Mermaids Pool, Red Brook, Crowden Edge, Seal Edge, Jubilee Hut, Alport Bridge, Roman 13 ml
    Done: 15/10/2008 (Gerry Gee), 08/10/2014 (Geoff Edge), 10/10/2018
    Start: Birchen Clough Car Park, Snake Road SK109914
    Pub: Snake Inn, Early Doors
    Maps: 1:25000 Dark Peak
    Route: Cross A57 to Southerly Path leading to Ashop Clough. Continue Westerly to SK 08152/90379. Cross R. Ashop and go S to near top of Upper Red Brook. Continue to Trig Point 624 and then down to Mermaids Pool for coffee. Then down and up to top of Red Brook, sign in at the Famous Ammunition box and thence to Crowden Head and Seal Edge (lunch). Continue along Edge path above Blackden Edge, dropping to the Jubilee Hut (tea) and then Alport Bridge and back via the Roman Rd to parking.

    B: Hayfield, Tunstead, KinderLow, Sandy Heys 7.7 ml 1915 ft shorter route available
    Start: Park on road near Sportsman, Hayfield SK044867
    Pub: Sportsman, Hayfield (early doors)
    Maps: Dark Peak W
    Rd/trk/fp Ely via Tunstead Clough farm to Kinderlow End. E/NE to top 078873. NNE/NW along Edge via Kinder Downfall to Sandy Heys 070893. Descend SW to cross Williams Clough at 059887. Take upper Snake Path and descend to Hayfield. Rd E to cars.<br> Shorter route (5.7mi): at bottom of Kinder Low, traverse N via Upper House to rejoin route at Williams Clough

  • 25/09/2024 10:00 - 25/09/2024 16:00

    A: Thorpe, Milldale, Stanshope, Wetton, Moor Barn, Ilam & Lin Dale 11 ml
    Done: 09/02/2000, 13/08/2003 (Geoff Edge), 04/02/2009 (Bev Burrage), 12/08/2009 (John Payne)
    Start: Car park Thorpe SK163505
    Pub: Royal Oak, Wetton good, beer dear but excellent, beer garden
    Maps: - 1:25,000: White Peak W & E
    AM Route : (5.75 mi) Rd N to 162518; fps WNW by Bostern Grange Fm & down to Dove Milldale 139548; rd 150m W; fp SW/W up to rd Stanshope 128542; rd 200m NW; fps etc NWly to Wetton, Royal Oak
    PM. Route : (5.25 mi) Ashbourne Lane, Stable Lane & fp SE to rd near Damgate 128533; rd 1.1km SSE past Moor Barn; fps/rd SEly/NE by Moor Plantation, Izaak Walton Hotel to FB on Dove 147510; fps NE/SWly to Stepping Stones & up Lin Dale to rd Thorpe 159905; rd E to cars.

    B: Thorpe, Lea Hall, Parwich & Tissington 8.2 ml 1060 ft
    Done: 09/06/2010
    Start: Car park Thorpe SK163505
    Pub: Sycamore, Parwich
    Maps: - White Peak E; 119 Buxton, Matlock & Dove Dale
    Route am 4.6 miles: Rd/fp E to Fenny Bentley church. Fp NE by Lees Farm, Woodeaves Farm to Lea Hall. Fp NNW to Parwich, Sycamore Inn.
    Route pm 3.6 miles: Limestone Trail SW by Tissington to Spend Lane 163509, lane S to cars.