A: Little Longstone, Longstone Edge, Rowland & Hassop; 10.7ml
B: Little Longstone, Longstone Edge, Rowland & Hassop; 8.0ml

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21/09/2022 10:00 - 16:00

A: Little Longstone, Longstone Edge, Rowland & Hassop; 10.7ml
Done: 20/03/1996 (Ian Howie) 28/09/2016 (Mike Gregg)
Coordinator: Ray Grover
Start: Ashford car park SK194698
Pub: Eyre Arms, Hassop; OK, comfy
Maps: Dark Peak W
Route AM: Fps from 194701 N of village Nly to Monsal Trl & Li Longstone, fp NW/N to 184728, trk E/fp NW/trspss up N thro wood, Ely by old shafts & rake to 205732, trspss below Longstone Edge to 215731, trk/rd/fp down Sly thro Rowland to rd 217722, rd E to Hassop, Eyre Arms
Route PM: Rd/ln SW/SEly to A619 235714, R & L, ln/fp/ln up to 238709, fp SWly to B6048 Redway Fm 234706, busy rds Wly to Hassop Sta, Monsal Trl Wly to 206710, ln/fp/rd SSEly by Churchdale Hall to cars

B: Little Longstone, Longstone Edge, Rowland & Hassop; 8.0ml
Start: Ashford car park SK194698
Pub: early doors at Ashford Arms
Maps: Dark Peak W
Route AM: Fps from 194701 N of village Nly to Monsal Trl & Li Longstone, fp NE/NW to 185732. Ely by old shafts & rake, across rd, NE to 205732, trk NE to 214735. Fp S/SW thru Rowland to Great Longstone. Rd/fps S/SW to cars.

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