A: Minninglow, Bigginmoor, Alsop, Parwich & Minninglow Hill 10.7 ml
B: Minninglow, Parwich 7.9 ml 1110 ft

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17/04/2024 10:00 - 16:00

A: Minninglow, Bigginmoor, Alsop, Parwich & Minninglow Hill 10.7 ml
Done: 04/12/1996 (Ian Howie), 05/10/2005 (Reg Boot), 12/10/2011 (Jim Bintcliffe), 19/12/2012 (Geoff Edge), 26/10/2016 (Tim Taylor)
Start: Minninglow Station SK194582
Pub: Sycamore, Parwich
Maps: Dark Peak W
Route AM: Rd Sly to 193578, byway/rds W/N/W by Uppermoor & B Fms to Tissgtn Trl 162581, Sly on trl to 157564, over A515, rd/fps E/Sly by Alsop Moor Cotts & Alsop en le Dale & up to re-join trl at 164538, trl Ely to 172537, fps/rd ENE to Parwich, Sycamore
Route PM: Fp NNEly from top end of village to rd 194557, rd N to 195563, trk(trspss?)/fp NEly by Roystone Grange & under High Pk Trl to byway 209569, trspss over Minninglow Hill, on down to Trl 205575 & return on trl to cars

B: Minninglow, Parwich 7.9 ml 1110 ft
Done: 12/10/2011, 15/02/2017, 12/04/2023
Start: Minninglow Station SK194582
Pub: Sycamore, Parwich 188543
Maps: White Peak East - 119 Buxton, Matlock & Dove Dale
Route AM 4.5m: Trl NE/SE to 206575, cssn fp SE to Minninglow & down SW, under trl to 200566. Trk SE to 205558, trk/fp W to rd. Rd 200m S, fp SW to Parwich, Sycamore.
Route PM 3.4m: Return to cars by road as fields a quagmire.

Related upcoming events

  • 22/01/2025 10:00 - 22/01/2025 16:00

    A: Brabyns Park, Peak Forest Canal, Brook Bottom, Moorend & Lane Ends 11 ml
    Done: 19/03/2003 (Howie Lunch at Ian's), 08/04/2009 (Harvey Condliffe)
    Start: Brabyn's carpark Marple Brdg SJ964895
    Pub: TBA
    Maps: - 1:25,000: Dark Peak W - 1:50,000: 109 Manchester
    Morning Route: (7.75 mi) Up SWly thro Park to canal; towpath Sly, over A626 962891, thro Marple to 969861; track/rd/track/fp ENEly/ Ely down by Peeres Swindells Cottage, thro Strines & up by Strines Station, Brook Bottom to Shaw Fm 990866; fps N/NWly to rd 985874 near Cross; rd/fps NEly by Birchenough down to rd Moorend 990885; fp/rd WNW by Mellor Church (diversion to look at church & view, met Inner Circle); fps down Nly by Holly Vale to rd Mill Brow 981897; rd 300m Wly; track/rd NNWly to Lane Ends, Mary's Arms (Howie's house) for a free jolly
    Afternoon Route: (3.25 mi) A626 NWly to 980912; down broadly Wly thro Etherow Park by Weir & to B6104 965909; rd/track SSWly thro Brabyns Park to cars

    B: Brabyns Park, Compstall, Etherow, Mellor 7 ml 1124 ft
    Done: 05/10/2022
    Start: Brabyn's carpark Marple Brdg SJ964895
    Pub: early doors at Norfolk Arms, Marple
    Maps: - 1:25,000: Dark Peak W
    Route: Nly by Park & rd to Etherow Country Park, Compstall; NE/E thro park by weir up to A626 Glossop Rd 980911; rd SW 200m; fp/rd/fp ENEly up thro Ernocroft and S via Gird Lane to rd junction 982898; fps Sly up to Vicarage; SW/W to road. Wly up rd to 971886, then S/W via Bottoms Bridge onto Goyt Way. N along river to cars.

  • 29/01/2025 10:00 - 29/01/2025 16:00

    A: Stoney, Housely, Stanley House, Grindlow, Bretton & Eyam 10 ml
    Done: 03/01/2001 (Ian Howie), 21/02/2007 (Derek McWilliam), 09/01/2013 (Mike Gregg), 01/02/2017, 28/03/2018 (Gavin Young)
    Start: Stoney Layby, A623 SK227757
    Pub: Bretton, Barrel Inn
    Maps: - 1:25,000: White Peak E
    AM Route : (6 mi) A623 1km WNW; fp/rd/fp WSW/NWly by Cavendish Mill to A623 Housley 194760; rds 250m Nly; fps Wly by Brosterfield Fm to Stanley House 179761; lane/rd/fps Nly by Grindlow, , to rd 183781; rds Ely to Bretton, Barrel Inn
    PM. Route : (4 mi) Lane NEly/SE by Nether Bretton to 206781; fp/trespass NEly past N tip of Jubilee Plantation, thro Gotherage Plantation to 214785; trespass up Ely & fp SSEly to Sir William Hill Road 218779; fps S/SE by Ladywash Mine, Beech House to lane 221766; lanes/rds Sly thro Eyam to end Lydgate 222762; fp down SE by The Cliff to rd Stoney 230755; rd WNW to cars

    B: Stoney, Eyam, Foolow, Bretton, Sir William 7.2 ml 1100 ft
    Done: 09/01/2013, 01/02/2017
    Start: Stoney Layby, A623 SK227757
    Pub: Barrel Inn, Bretton 201779 or ED at Moon, Stoney (3pm)
    Maps: - 1:25,000: White Peak E 1:50,000: 119 Buxton Matlock & Dove Dale
    Route AM (4.2mi): Rd W to Stoney, rd/fp NW to Eyam. Rd WNW, rd/fp W after Eyam Hall to Foolow. Rd N up to Bretton, E to pub.
    Route PM (3mi): Continue on rd E, trk via Sir William Hill to 218779. Fp S to Eyam. Rd/fp SSE down to Stoney and E along main rd back to cars.

  • 05/02/2025 10:00 - 05/02/2025 16:00

    A: Old Glossop, Cock Hill, Stable Clough, Hern Stones & James's Thorn 10.5 ml
    Done: 12/11/2014 (Gavin Young), 14/11/2018 (Gary Bunting)
    Start: Old Glossop SK046949
    Pub: Bull's Head, Old Glossop Early Doors, good, welcoming, homely
    Maps: Dark Peak W - 110 Sheffield & Huddersfield
    Route AM: Rds/fps NEly by Blakemoor Wood, Cock Hill to 481pt 066968 (coffee in ruins of shooting cabin); fp SE/E by Torside Castle to Torside Clough 080965; struggle NNW to edge, NE/E over Wildboar Clough & by Rollick Stones, Lawrence Edge to Shining Clough Rocks 096985 (lunch)
    Route PM: Stable Clough SSWly to Bleaklow Head; S to Hern Stones, Higher Shelf Stones (cloud came down, met Inner Circle); W, just missing Jame's Thorn to just S of Ferny Hole (tea); down W to fp along Shelf Benches; SW & W to Doctor's Gate 065944; Gate NNWly to cars

    B: Old Glossop, Shelf Stones & Doctor's Gate 7.3 ml 1608 ft
    Done: 12/11/2014, 20/07/2022
    Start: Old Glossop SK046949
    Pub: Queen's, Old Glossop, for early doors
    Maps: Dark Peak W - 110 Sheffield & Huddersfield
    Route: Doctor's Gate Ely to access pt 064944; fp NE/E to Shelf Stones and Trig Point (621). Fp SE/Sly to Ford at 094941, Crooked Clough, Doctor's Gate path WNW to cars.

  • 12/02/2025 10:00 - 12/02/2025 16:00

    A: Winster, Elton, Gratton Dale, Minninglow, Aldwark 10.5 ml
    Done: 03/02/1999 (Howie)
    Start: Winster South car park SK239602
    Pub: Miners Standard Winster Early Doors - generally draught Aldwark Artisan Ales available
    Maps: White Peak E - 119 Buxton, Matlock & Dove Dale
    Route AM: Rd SWly, Trk NW to rd 230610, rd W to rd jn Elton 222610; fps NW/WNWly, over rd 218613, to rd Dale End 211614; fps SSWly (muddy!) up Gratton Dale (tea) to A5102 Mouldridge Grange; rds WSW/SWly to Minninglow
    Route PM: High Peak Trail SEly to 205572; old trk SEly to rd 222565; rd 800m NNW to Tithe Fm; fp Wly (coffee) to Aldwark (diversion at Aldwark end); fp/rd NNEly by Green Low, over A5102 230585, to cars and Miner's Standard early doors

    B: Winster, Darley Bridge, Snitterton 7.9 ml 1182 ft
    Done: 28/02/2024
    Start: Winster South car park SK239602
    Pub: early doors: Miners’s Standard, Winster SK274603
    Maps: White Peak E
    Route: Rd Nly to 241616 (near Upper Town), E to rd B5057 Darley Bridge. Rd N, SE/S along Heritage Way to 281608. Fp W to Rd, where S to Snitterton. Fp S/SW via Leewold Farm, Leawood Cottage to rd 271592. Trk SW (Moorlands Lane) to 266590. Fp NW on Limestone Way via Luntor Rocks to Winster, where rd SW to pub

  • 19/02/2025 10:00 - 19/02/2025 16:00

    A: Hingcliff Common, Mickleden Edge, Pike Lowe, Underbank & Langsett 12 ml
    Start: Car park off A616 SE201012
    Pub: Wagon and Horses, Langsett 213005
    Maps: Dark Peak E
    Route AM 10.7mi: Trks W/S by bridge over Little Don River 198006, fp up S/SW/S to trk 193971. Trk/open moor SE/E to Pike Lowe 209974. Open moor/trk SE to rejoin path at 214970 (or retrace back 209571 then E), path ENE / NE to 224980. Track Ely to Rd 239975, fp E/NE to Millstones 247975 NW to Rd the FP Wind Hill Knoll, rd rt and lt to Underbank Rsvr. Path W to Midhopestones, 237997, Rd N to 236999, under and W to join old railway, W to Langsett, and E Wagon & Horses.
    Route PM 1.3mi: Fp on N side of reservoir to 198007, fp N/E to cars.

    B: Hingcliff Common, Mickleden Edge & Langsett 7.5 ml 893 ft
    Start: Car park off A616 SE201012
    Pub: Wagon and Horses, Langsett 213005
    Maps: Dark Peak E
    Route AM 6.2mi: Trks W/S by bridge over Little Don River 198004, fp SEly via Thickwoods Lane, to Upper Midhope. NE to Little Don, fp/rd SE via Midhope Hall Lane to Midhopestones, N across Little Don. Cross A616, then Ely to Langsett and pub.
    to Langsett, Wagon & Horses.
    Route PM 1.3mi: Fp on N side of reservoir to 199010, fp E to cars

  • 26/02/2025 10:00 - 26/02/2025 16:00

    A: Cistern's Clough, Hind Low, Earl Sterndale, Hollinsclough & Dove Head 11 ml
    Done: 05/09/2001 (Ian Howie), 05/09/2007 (John Payne), 04/09/2013 (Gavin Young)
    Start: Cistern's Clough A53 SK035698
    Pub: Quiet Woman, Earl Sterndale Now 'defunct'
    Maps: - 1:25,000: White Peak W
    AM Route : (6 mi) Rd SEly 500m; fps broadly SEly by Fairthorn, Thirkelow to Booth Fm 058681; Stoops Fm ;Accommodation rd/fp Nly over rd at 'Cattle Grid' 062687 to rd 061693; rd/fp/lane ESE/SEly by Hind Low to 091678; fp/rd Sly down to Earl Sterndale, Quiet Woman
    PM. Route : (5 mi) Fps/rd Wly by Hitter Hill to rd Hollinsclough 064666; fp WNWly by Pack Horse Br 056674 & with difficulty to multiple junction Colshaw 044677; fp NWly to rd 039693; fp/trespass NNW/W by Roundknowl, to A53 approx 034693; rd 500m Nly to Cistern's Clough

    B: Cistern's Clough, Axe Edge Moor, Buxton (Poole's Cavern), Anthony Hill 7 ml 1299 ft
    Start: Cistern's Clough A53 SK035698
    Pub: Pooles Cavern café (sells bottled beer)??
    Maps: White Peak W
    Route: fp/rd NW/N across Axe Edge Moor to 028722. Trk/fp E to A53, rd N, fp N/E to Poole's Cavern.
    Fp S/E to Grin Low Rd, rd E to Stanley Moor, fp S via Anthony Hill, fp SW via Leap Edge, cross Cistern's Clough back to cars.

  • 05/03/2025 10:00 - 05/03/2025 16:00

    A: Bleaklow and Grinah Stones from Kings Tree 10 ml
    Coordinator: Mike Gregg
    Start: Kings Tree SK167938
    Pub: none
    Maps: Dark Peak (east)
    Route: Road to Westend Valley; sheepfold 132 947; Westend Head; Bleaklow Stones; Barrow Stones; Round Hill; Black Dike; Linch Clough

    B: Fairholmes, Crook Hill & Ladybower 7.3 ml 1084 ft
    Done: 08/02/2012, 25/02/2015, 28/10/2015, 08/03/2017, 21/02/2018, 06/03/2019, 23/10/2019, 25/08/2021 (Gerry (Geraldine) Goldsmith)
    Start: Roadside parking, Fairholmes, Derwent, SK174889
    Pub: Ladybower Inn 205865
    Maps: Dark Peak E
    Route AM 4.5m: Rd 100m NW, Cncssn fp S/Wly to 164891. Fp SE by Bridge-end Pasture, Crookhill Farm to A57. Rd 400m E, Lane/Fp Ely by Ashopton to Ladybower Inn 205865.
    Route PM 3.0m: Rd W to rd jcn 191865. Reservoir side fp NW back to cars.

  • 12/03/2025 10:00 - 12/03/2025 16:00

    A: Rushton Spencer, Rudyard, Meerbrook, Gun & Axstones Spring 11.75 ml
    Done: 27/11/2002 (Bev Burrage)
    Start: Old sta Rushton Spencer SJ936625
    Pub: Lazy Trout, Meerbrook
    Maps: - 1:25,000: White Peak W
    AM Route : (6.75 mi) Staffs Way SSEly by old rly, fps etc by W side of Rudyard Lake to dam Rudyard 951583 ; over dam & fps Ely by Poolend, Lower Foker Fm to rd 975585; rd/fps NE by Park Ho, , to rd Meerbrook 987609; rd Ely 350m to Lazy Trout
    PM. Route : (5 mi) Rd/fps NWly by fp junction 984617 & N of the Wetwoods to fp junction 972621; fp/trespass S/SW by New Zealand to summit of Gun; fp N then fps/track/rd SW/W to 956617; fps & rds Nly/Wly down by Axstones Spring to A523 940624; some by fp WSW & old rly NNW to cars, most along A523 then side rd W

    B: Rushton Spencer, Dumkins, Wincle & Hollinhall 6.9 ml 864 ft
    Done: 02/04/2014, 04/04/2018, 26/04/2023
    Start: Rushton Spencer SJ936624
    Pub: (early doors) Knot Inn, Rushton Spencer
    Maps: - 1:25,000: White Peak W
    Trl SE 300m, fp E to A523 at 940623, rd NE to 943627. Trk/fp Nly by Barleigh Ford Bridge to fp junction Dumkins 949648; fp/rd/fp NE/E by Wincle Grange, across rd (or down rd) to Danebridge. (see if Wincle Brewery is open)
    Dane Valley Way SWly to FB 956642, fps/rds S/SW by Hollinhall, Brandy Lee to A523 940623. Fp/trl back to cars.

  • 19/03/2025 10:00 - 19/03/2025 16:00

    A: Crowden, Laddow, Chew Reservoir, Arnfield, Tintwistle & Lad's Leap 12.5 ml
    Done: 01/10/1997 (Howie), 13/12/2006 (Geoff Edge), 29/08/2012 (Ray Grover), 25/03/2015 (Mike Gregg), 20/09/2017 (Geoff Edge)
    Coordinator: Ian Helliwell
    Start: Crowden car park SK073993
    Pub: Church Inn, Tintwistle (opening unpredictable)
    Maps: Dark Peak W
    Route AM: Fps WNW/Wly up valley to N (cave) end of Laddow Rocks; NW to Black Chew Head ); SW & fp Wly to Chew Resvr Dam ; cncsn fp & fps WSWly/SW/Sly to rd Arnfield 016980; Arnfield Ln SE to Tintwistle, Bull's Head closed, went to Church Inn 019973
    Route PM: Rd/fp Ely/NE up to access pt 028976; N/NEly by Stonebrake Quarries & over Tintwistle Low Moor to Reservoir 032989; cncsn fp Ely by Tintwistle Knarr & Lad's Leap back to Crowden

    B: Little Longstone Cressbrook Wardlow 6.5 ml 1331 ft
    Coordinator: Ray
    Start: Roadside parking at Monsal Head on minor road leading to Little Longstone SK186716
    Pub: Packhorse Inn, Little Longstone or Stable Bar, Monsal Head (ED)
    Maps: White Peak E / 119 Buxton Matlock & Dove Dale
    Route: From Monsal Head drop down to Trail, over viaduct leaving trail at SK172 724 to drop down N to Cressbrook Mill. Over new bridge, road and path N via Ravensdale Cottages into Cressbrook Dale. Cross bridge at SK 171 741 then fp NE to top of dale. Easterly to minor road in Wardlow. N 200m to church, fp East to road SK 191 748. Road SE 300m then fp S over Longstone Moor on to Moor Lane, S to SK 197 721, SW past Dale farm through Little Longstone back to cars

  • 26/03/2025 10:00 - 26/03/2025 16:00

    Hotpot meet
    Done: 12/02/2014 (Mike Gregg), 18/02/2015, 12/02/2020
    Coordinator: Richard Evans
    Start: Robin Hood, Rainow (park in pub CP if imbibing!) SJ952762
    Pub: Robin Hood, Rainow OK
    Maps: White Peak W
    route tba