A: Rainow, Bollington, Lamaload. Walker Barn; 10.5ml
B: Kerridge, White Nancy, Snipe House, Works & Rainow; 6.8ml

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22/09/2021 All day

A: Rainow, Bollington, Brink Farm,Lamaload. Walker Barn,Rainow; 10.5ml, 2000ft
Coordinator: Chris Wilkshire
Start: Robin Hood, Rainow SJ952760
Pub: Robin Hood in Rainow (Early Doors); (open 12 - 11)
Route: Footpaths North from Rainow passing Savio House to road junction at 946779. Following Gritstone Trail NE to Brinks Farm then SSW to Four Lane Ends (962771). At Four Lane Ends road junction take Pike Road SEly to Smith Lane then ¼ mile Wly to footpath on left to Lamaload Water Works.(968755) Then SW to Walker Barn (957240, then NW to Hordern Farm , Brookhouse, cross river near Thornsett Farm  and back to the Robin Hood.
NB:Distance about 10.5 miles + 2000 ft ascent.

B: Kerridge, White Nancy, Snipe House, Works & Rainow; 6.8ml
Coordinator: Gerry (Geraldine) Goldsmith
Start: Roadway outside Hollin Hotel, Kerridge SJ935772
Pub: Robin Hood in Rainow SJ 952762
Maps: 118 Stoke-on-Trent & Macclesfield
Route AM 4.6mi: Road and steps to White Nancy 939771, S along ridge to cross B5470 at 947757. Rd N
100m, rd/trk SE/NE by Snipe House to Works 968755. Fp/trk/rd NW/Wly to pub.
Route PM 2mi: Rds N/NW to Gritstone Trail at Savio House 946772. Trl/rd Wly to cars.

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