A: Torside Res, Wildboar Clough, Bleaklow Head, Ogden Clough & Tintwistle; 12.0ml
B: Fairholmes, Lost Lad, Wheel Stones.; 10.0ml

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30/03/2022 10:00 - 16:00

A: Torside Res, Wildboar Clough, Bleaklow Head, Ogden Clough & Tintwistle; 12.0ml
Start: Torside car park SK067983
Pub: TBA (Queen's, Old Glossop, early doors?)
Maps: - 1:25,000: Dark Peak W- 1:50,000:-10 Sheffield & Huddersfield
Morning Route: (8 mi) Concessionary fps SE across Longdendale Trl & up into Wildboar Clough at appx
078982; bed of clough interestingly SE up (coffee) & to Bleaklow Head & Wain Stones; W/NWly to
Ford 080965; fps etc Wly by Torside Castle, Cock Hill cabin (lunch), Clough Head, Ogden Clough to
B6105 at Devil's Elbow 040971; fps etc NWly down to Vale House Res at 038977; waterside trks, fps etc
S of reservoirs to Tintwistle where Church Inn was found closed, as was every other pub nearby
Afternoon Route: (4 mi) A628/lane/various concessionary fps E/NE/ENE on N side of reservoirs (tea) to
Torside dam 056984; Sly over dam to Trl; Trl/concessionary fp Ely/Nly to cars

B: Fairholmes, Lost Lad, Wheel Stones.; 10.0ml
Coordinator: Richard Evans
Start: Fairholmes SK171893
Pub: No pub; Early doors at the Ladybower if required
Route: over the dam turn left and then steeply uphill turning right at the top through Lost Lad and Wheel
Stones and turning right towards the reservoir and then folllowing track back to the Derwent Dam and
back to the cars.
NB:Steep to the top then very little climbing

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