1. Great to see this new website up and running, I know it’s been a lot of hard work but it’s worth it. Let’s hope all members really use it now and make it a great place to encourage new members to join the Rucksack Club and to share information about great activities.

  2. Thanks very much for the updated site. Very much appreciate all the work involved.
    As I’m a member out on a limb from most members, geographically speaking, it is a great way of keeping involved. Meanwhile best wishes to all, from the Misty Isle!

  3. Dinner update
    On the Friday night members will have a chance to see the FIRST PUBLIC SHOWING of a Film/DVD of the 1975 Everest Expedition, put together by expedition members over the last two years and to be presented by Mike Rhodes. Mike has just informed me of this exciting development , and there will be a chance to see other slides on Everest, plus and an update by Dave Nightingale on Community Action Nepal, and it’s relief work since the 2015 earthquake.

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