Winter Alpine Meet: 10 – 17 March 2018

12th December 2017. Yesterday afternoon we enjoyed some lovely skiing, the snow stopped and the mountains looked fantastic in their winter cloaks (zoom in to the cable car station in the bottom right corner of the photo for a sense of scale). Nice fresh snow on and off piste.

Minus 10 last night and heavy snow today:

Skinning up at Les Houches in the falling snow and wind.

What to do: no this isn’t me skinning up from the Prarion lift station this morning -I took the photo from the warm and the dry – looking out of my chalet window 🙂 Today looked more like a day for indoor Crevasse Rescue practice, no we haven’t got a severe subsidence problem but it seemed like a good time to dig out the Glacier Skiing Equipment and make sure we can remember everything. It was also finally time to put the summer rock climbing gear away for the winter.

1:7 rescue system using modern equipment.
3:1 rescue system (old school method)

After lunch I think we’ll do some indoor avalanche transceiver practice – its a game I play with Moira. One person hides a transceiver somewhere in the house and the other person has to find it against the clock. It’s not quite as easy as it sounds because is a three dimensional problem i.e. the transceiver can be on any of the 3 floors. We try to get creative with where hide the transceiver in an attempt to make it as difficult as possible.


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