Beudy bookings update

This coming weekend (7th-9th), Reading MC have booked 12 places for their annual get together in Wales. There are no other bookings as yet in December except that Barbara and I will be going to Beudy probably on New Years Eve and staying for a day or so. You are very welcome to join us. No problem if you want to go earlier/stay later. It will be a similar arrangement to last year – bring your own food and drink and do what you want.
In January, Gareth Llewellyn is running a Club Meet on the weekend of 19th/20th. See Meetstaff or contact Gareth for details. Jim Paxman has booked 6 places for the weekend of 26th/27th.
At present, there are no bookings in February or March.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from me and Steven.

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