“The Wander-Line” 13/7/19

– A New Romantic Line… “We choose… (to swim to Fairfield) …We choose to go (…to Fairfield) in this decade and do other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard…!” ???????????? ????????‍???? ????????????‼️

“The Wander-Line” – amble, cruise, drift, float, hike, meander, ramble, roam, saunter, straggle, stray, stroll, traipse, trek, aberrate, circumambulate, deviate, divagate, diverge, gad-about, gallivant, globe-trot, jaunt, maunder, peregrinate, range, rove, circumlocute, circumnutate, follow one’s nose, take to the road, walk the tracks, go direct, run, ramble, stray, veer, deviate, divagate, diverge, err, swerve, get off the track, get sidetracked, go astray, go off on a tangent, talk nonsense.????

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