North Face of the Tour Ronde: Jim Morris

Climbed the north face of the Tour Ronde in 1999 with Roger Wild. We took the bubbles to the Torino Hut and had a typical alpine start the next day.

The bergshrund at the foot of the face was horrendous – a ten foot vertical wall with a horrendous slot if you came off! Roger is up front approaching the narrows and I’m then following.

In the photo of me if you look carefully you can see our footprints approaching the bergshrund.

Finally Roger at the summit with the Brenva face of Mont Blanc at the back.

Jim Morris



  1. Nice pictures a good reminder. There’s more snow evident than when I did it – sometime in the 80s. It was icy in the narrows. It’s a good classic, well worth the effort. Unfortunately. all my pictures are slides which are detriorating.
    We bivvied at the bergsrund the night before. Grade is similar to the NNE Butress of the Chardonnet but a little easier.

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