Beudy Mawr – Covid 19 update

Steve and I want to open the toilet/shower block in time for the Bank Holiday weekend. We looked at how we could open the main part of the hut but decided it was not manageable under current Welsh Covid 19 rules.
Opening the toilet/shower block means that Members could camp on the lawn and (depending on vehicle numbers) park their motorhomes.
To remain within the rules, we reckon the lawn would take up to 4 tents (2/3 person type, with 1 in each corner), and 2- 3 motorhomes.
The details need to be worked out, and there are a lot of issues, not least how to manage bookings fairly.

Anyway, the question is – are Members interested in this proposal? If so, Steve and I will crack on with the details. Let us know as soon as possible.


  1. B & S
    FRCC huts are all open with restricted numbers for members only.
    Could do the same at Beudy and Craigallan, max 6 persons , 3 in each room.
    You could actually end up with more folk using the toilet area, with camping and Van’s outside.
    Or allow tents, vans ,but stick to max 6 in total

  2. Great idea.
    Lots of campsites have simply restricted use of loos/showers to 1 person at a time. With requirement to clean showers after every use.
    1 out, 1 in, to the block through the outside door.
    That means that you could restrict close contact indoors, while outdoors campers can be responsible for themselves.
    I think that sharing the indoor space is more difficult. Strangers will be sharing space for much longer and closer that “casual contact” in shops etc.
    At the moment it is overly presumptuous to ask unrelated strangers to share living space with people they haven’t chosen to share with, even if it is permissible. Indoor space should only be booked by people who have actively chosen to share with each other for considerable periods of time i.e. overnight.

  3. Hi All. Any members who would like to camp at Pen yr allt Fm, GR SH: 769 624 over the B/h
    weekend (Ltd flat ground) would be most welcome. Facilities available. First come first served. Max tents 3. A modest donation in aid of St Davids Hospice would be appreciated.

  4. Response to statement: Covid 19 update, Wednesday 5th August 2020.
    Following this update, I interpret the last statement ‘We need time and imagination to devise efficient ways to resolve these challenging issues‘as my invitation to give a constructive comment.
    My main request is that we have a debate, committee led with an agreed agenda, via Zoom (very successfully used with the recent lectures).
    My overriding observation is this; many of us have had to work with Specific or Generic Risk Assessment, for many years and may have much to contribute. Also, in my opinion, I believe that we have to prepare for the micro management of our particular environments.
    I am also of the opinion that the club should not rely on Governing Bodies as their sole source of way forward; theirs is, inevitably, a cautious response to Government Guidance.
    From the legal perspective, there appear to be concerns about litigation from Covid19 claims against the Club (Committee position on re-opening huts, 09/07/20). The BMC Insurers position is this:
    “The combined liability policy arranged by the BMC for the protection of clubs and club committee members does not include an exclusion related to COVID-19. This means that if someone was to bring a claim against a club, or club committee member, alleging they had contracted coronavirus at a club event or club hut, the policy would respond to defend the club/committee member and, if legally required, pay compensation to the limit of indemnity. It is expected that all clubs will take reasonable steps to manage the risk of COVID-19 within club huts and at their events by following BMC and government guidance. We strongly recommend that risk assessments are carried out and documented by clubs in order to evidence the steps that have been taken, for the protection of the club in the event that a claim is made.”
    Source: BMC Website.
    There are means of indicating and entering into the spirit of non-litigation that all climbers and mountaineers will be familiar with; ‘Responsible User Declarations, are already evident in many other forms of activity and venue usage.
    I can supply a statement required currently by the French Government for travellers. This is simply a sample of a declaration of user responsibility that could be used to further mitigate concerns.
    Many declarations could be cherry picked, to create a template complimenting our situation.
    Whilst recognising that any such statements or ‘waivers’ cannot actually be used to prevent possible litigation, should someone be that way inclined, the Insurer statement above should assuage the fears of the Committee.
    From professional experience I know that the evaluation of a Court, considering apportioning blame, would include whether the Defendant had kept up to date Risk Assessments, User Guidance and contingency measures, onsite and available to participants to read or use.
    Whatever direction this virus is taking, it is up to us to work to manage it and not be governed by it.
    Many of us will have recently used or seen facilities that are accommodating large numbers of people. I am sure that our membership can work with and follow environment specific guidance. We could also approach other clubs for an evaluation of current best practice. It is noteworthy that many climbing walls are now open for business using ABC and BMC guidance.
    Prior to sending this comment I received, as many of us did, the latest update and proposition for Beudy Mawr. I hope for a great positive response to that request but there must be many of you, like myself, that are thinking the content of, 12th July update-Committee position on re-opening huts, 09/07/20, has been turned on its head.

    Through discussion, let us try to manage the issues that we are faced with. I am sure that our Club has a vast amount of experience that can be called upon.
    Our valued Committee Members should not have to shoulder this burden alone.

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