Meet coordinators required please

Hopefully you will have seen that meets have now recommenced but on a somewhat restricted basis, with The President coordinating the first walking meet last weekend and Mike Hartley a climbing meet this Saturday. In addition midweek climbing meets have also started again.

There is an underlying meets programme (as detailed in the handbook) but unfortunately due to the current restrictions this still can not go ahead as originally planned. Where possible meet coordinators are converting weekend meets to single day, local climbing or walking meets.

As we move towards the end of June more restrictions will hopefully be relaxed and we can then revert to something nearer the originally planned programme.

In the interim I am looking to try and organise two meets each weekend, ideally one climbing and one walking meet. But to do so I need more volunteers to coordinate meets.

Therefore please let me know ASAP if you would be happy to organise a meet. No need for specific details as yet, we just need to agree a date and type of meet, full details can be provided nearer the time. 

So please do get in touch with me and let me know what meet you would like to coordinate over the next few months. Contact details as per handbook.

Many thanks

Andy Llewellyn

Outdoor Organiser

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