Sad news

John Llewellyn 
We are very sad to advise that our Dad, John, passed away last Friday the 25th of June.  He was an Honorary Member, Past President and member since 1958.
The funeral service will take place at Cypress Chapel, Stockport Crematorium on Thursday 8th July at 2.15 p.m.
Numbers are very limited but if you would particularly like to attend the service please let Andy or Gareth know asap. Alternatively the service will be available via web-link so again please let either of us know if you would like the details when we have them. An order of service will also be sent with the web-link. Contact details as per handbook.
Andy & Gareth
On behalf of the Llewellyn Family


  1. Indeed sad news. Gerry and I have fond memories of John especially when he did the alternative Karrimor meet we organised. He seemed surprised at how much beer Andy could drink – I’d brought in a barrel of beer at the overnight – our garden!
    He was a great proof reader for me in my first stint as Journal editor.

    1. Oh no. So sorry to hear this sad news.
      I remember the Karrimor and the keg of beer!
      John was always great company on the hill, our conversations a delight. Love to all the Llewellyn’s ❤️❤️

  2. Sorry to hear the sad news. John was a very supportive member of the Club for as long as I can remember. I recall a pleasant day at Wallowbarrow Crag when the sun was shining and he was wondering if Andy was ever going to take to the climbing as he followed up a route.

  3. Very sorry to hear about John, always such a gentleman. We last saw him pre-Covid when he kindly delivered the book about Taffy to our home and we insisted he stayed for lunch. Many happy memories. My wife was particularly fond of John as he made a point of remembering the name of members wives at the dinner when he was President.

  4. John’s friendly welcoming smile at indoor meets will be sorely missed.
    He taught me the benefits of good manners on the morning of the 2010 Dinner. As we started up the Crib Goch start to the PyG track, with Carole Smithies, – he demonstrated that by standing aside to allow faster parties to proceed & descending groups to pass, we could enjoy the views, & catch our breath. Truly a wonderful gentleman.

  5. Very sad news, John was lovely man . He offered support on my meet in 2014 ,met us at three locations on the Lleyn then ferried us back to Buedy on Bank Holiday Monday , the weather was awful ,roads flooded etc ! John just smiled and said he was glad to be of assistance . A true Gent !

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