President’s February 2022 Update

Firstly, a belated happy New Year to everyone! 2022 is now in full swing and whilst there was little new to report on following my December Update, Club activity is definitely on the increase which, I am certain, has been helped by the general easing of Covid restrictions by all the Government’s.

Meets: The annual Marsden-Edale became a real challenge, not only because of the appalling [and correct!] weather forecast but also by the cancellation of all trains between Sheffield and Manchester on the day to allow for station upgrade work to take place. Club tradition was upheld by Gareth Llewellyn who completed a solo single in very challenging conditions. I can vouch for this as I wandered over and around Kinder to try and meet up with him…the sight of Fair Brook in full spate was enough to deter me from fording it, so I followed the east side all the way back to the northern edge of Kinder! Gareth appeared at the Ramblers just over 8hrs after starting looking as if he had been out for a gentle afternoon stroll…great effort Gareth! Two weeks later there were 8 members on his walk around the Kinder Edges Meet, but in rather better weather!

Looking over Ashop Clough to Bleaklow. Photo: Andy Tomlinson
Seal Stones. Photo: Andy Tomlinson
Harry Hut Trig Point towards the end of the day. Photo: Andy Tomlinson

The Wednesday Walks have also been well attended and the first of the Scottish winter Meets is on for this coming weekend and, at the last count, Craigallan was full…we really do look to have our Meets programme back in full swing. The Meets Calendar in the ‘Get out there’ drop down menu provides all the information on all upcoming Meets.

Zoom Lecture Series: Once again Dom has produced a superb series of lectures for us to enjoy from the comfort of our homes. The series kicked off with two lectures last month: climbing in Morocco, followed two weeks later by a talk on a recent [last October] ascent of the North face of the Matterhorn by two members. There are a further 2 lectures this month and next and, again, all details can be found on the Meet Calendar. If you have missed a lecture, click on this link to take you to the recordings to watch at your leisure…all good stuff. Importantly the Club, once again owes Dom a huge ‘thank you’ as he has stepped in to the vacant Indoor Meets Organiser role which, for me at least, is doubly good as we also get his enthusiasm and expertise on the Committee.   

AGM: This was held as a virtual [Zoom] Meeting again, given all the Covid restrictions. It also allows members who live at some distance from Manchester/Stockport to attend and helps keep our Club carbon foot print down; I see this as a permanent feature. The Meeting was recorded and is available for members to view provided you are logged in as Members to the website; go to the Members drop down menu and choosing AGM 2022.

Have a good month and enjoy being involved in Club activities once again…there is plenty to choose from!


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