President’s Update March 2022

President’s Update March 2022

Club activity is virtually back to normal and the main thing to report this month is that the Regulations for Booking and Visiting Club Huts from end February 2022 have changed.

After the announcement that England’s Covid restrictions were to be lifted on Thursday 24th February, as well as similar proposals for Wales and Scotland, the Committee reviewed our Hut Regulations.

Taking all things into consideration, the Committee agreed to end all restrictions on numbers staying in the huts from the end of February, although members wishing to use the huts must continue to check with the relevant hut warden as to availability and have a confirmed booking before visiting a Club hut. Please do not turn up at a hut without a confirmed booking. Simplified lists of personal responsibilities before visiting a hut and general provisions for the use whilst at a hut remain. For the full guidance please visit ‘Huts’ on the website when logged in as a Member.

The Committee recognises that this will remain challenging for some members using our huts and hopes that all members and guests will continue to respect individual concerns. The emphasis remains on personal responsibility for minimising the risk of the spread of Covid.

We hope that, in the next 2-3 months, we will be able to return to the Booking procedures as per the Handbook, but think these are sensible interim precautions in the return to full normality.

Hut use has increased recently and, with the removal of restrictions on numbers, I hope members will be ‘getting out there’ more and more to enjoy the benefits of using all our huts. Joe Fisher co-ordinated the first winter Meet at Craigallan over the first weekend of February…the hut was full and good snow conditions were to be found. See below…what’s not to like!


Andy Barlass, top pitch of Slingsby’s Chimney, Ben Nevis; Feb 2022. Photo: Joe Fisher
Andy Barlass on NE Buttress, Ben Nevis; Feb 2022. Photo: Joe Fisher


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