Beudy – general update

Although the restrictions on hut numbers have been removed, it is important to understand that Covid has not gone away. Please read the revised Regulations for booking and using the huts on the website.
At Beudy, please remember that you need to bring your own tea towels, pillows and bedding when staying in the hut. Antibacterial mattress protectors have been fitted on all the bunks. These are changed regularly.
Steve and I understand that Members may still be wary of using or staying in Beudy. To try and address this, whenever we receive a booking request from more than one party for a certain date(s), we notify all concerned to encourage dialogue and to allow them to come to their own decisions.

The fixed price tariff for electricity ends later this month and we will be on standard rates thereafter. There are no deals available. Our energy costs will dramatically increase. Even though the heaters are now fitted with timers, please think about whether you need them on at all. There is usually a large stock of wood for the fires. If you are at the hut and notice that this stock is getting low, please tell us and we will replenish it. We do not intend buying any coal for the foreseeable future.

Steve and I look forward to the hut returning to some kind of normality this year. As ever, let either of us know if you want to make a booking.

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