Helsby-Frodsham Meet, Saturday 18th June

Information for the Day Meet on 18th June. Meet-up time 10.00 am. Walking and climbing options are planned and as the walk passes the climbing venue it will be possible for participants to ‘swap codes’. The walk is 11.0 Km (6.9 miles), 356 metres of up, 4 hours with stops, so very much a ‘B’ walk. There is one steep section which we can easily work around if that is preferred. Among the walk’s delights are a glacial erratic all the way from the Lake District and 3 well-sited seats including one for a much-loved friend and one-time BMC President, Derek Walker. No-one so far has volunteered to re-create the 1903 Meet walk – from Helsby to Hatchmere and back in period costume – which would be around 15 miles. I plan to ‘accompany’ the walk (‘lead’ overstates it really), which we will follow in an anti-clockwise direction starting at Helsby Quarry Car Park, WA6 9PU, GR 490749. The climbing venue will probably be Frodsham, conditions are more reliable than at Helsby and it is a lovely place with its own special charm. Many times I’ve been there just to climb my heart out for an hour and would come away feeling that all was well with the world.  Meet venue Beacon Hill Car Park WA6 6HE, GR 518765. Rob Hastings will be looking after the climbing so contact him if you want to know more: 07973 958848.  Timings mean that you may want to bring some ‘hill food’. From mid afternoon-ish we will gather at the White Lion at Alvanley, WA6 9DD. I guess it’s fairly low-key activity-wise but for me the main point of the day is to allow time for chat and get to know which has been difficult in recent times. Plus it will be lovely to introduce some new people to ‘our manor.’  Of course all this is weather-contingent……..but you can walk in thec rain and it if’s falling vertically still play on the overhangs at Frodsham.


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