Helsby-Frodsham Meet: Further Information

Helsby/Frodsham Day Meet, Saturday June 18th. Meeting time/venue for all will be 10.30 am at Beacon Hill (Frodsham Hill) car park WA6 6BG. Walk distance 7-8 miles, climbing standard Exceptionally Severe (perhaps). Afterwards, a pub, and weather permitting, a beer garden. Will probably be 2.30 pm or later by the time we get to the pub so bring some hill food.

Climbing host Rob Hastings, walk host Dave Atkinson.

It would be appreciated if you could let me know if you are planning to join us, for either the walk or the climb.

Email: dave.atkinson27@gmail.com
Telephone or text: 07878481541

Thank you
Dave Atkinson

One comment

  1. Unfortunately Dave is out of the country right now and can’t reply to calls or emails. (Which is also why this post came from me.)
    He should be back next week – before the 18th.

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