New video added – Hard Trad and Heart Surgery plus Georgia Alpinism

The latest Virtual Meet video has been added to the collection – it’s a double bill featuring two highly accomplished Rucksackers who are recent graduates from MUMC: Hard Trad and Heart Surgery with Adam Bowman and Georgia Alpinism with Molly Worth.

Watch it here or browse through the magnificent library of this and a further 35 videos in the Virtual Meets Gallery.

Adam Bowman on The Final Round. Photo Marsha Balaeva
  • Adam Bowman has blazed a trail through some of the UK’s hardest trad routes (and sports routes for that matter) including the hardest line on Peak Limestone: The Final Round which weighs in at E9. His accomplishments are even more remarkable for the fact that he’s fitted them around a number of major heart surgeries. Tune in to find out how!

  • Molly Worth shared the story of her Alpine Apprenticeship with The Club on Zoom last year, culminating on the summit of The Matterhorn! What next, you might ask? We’ll be hearing about Alpine excursions further afield in Georgia.

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