Gogarth Meet – 10th and 11th June 2023

It was brilliant to get back to ‘Business as Usual’ for the 2022 Gogarth Meet, with more than 70 Rucksackers and Guests enjoying a sunny, if a tad breezy, BBQ on Porth Dafarch beach (and the odd bit of climbing of course!) We will be crossing fingers for even better weather this year, but otherwise it’s the same old formula that has served us well for the last 20 years. Come equipped with a rack & rope; a bike; kayak or pair of binoculars; or just a tube of factor 50 and a bucket and spade – whatever you need to ‘Get Out There!’ and work up a thirst / appetite. Bring your friends and family – the more the merrier!

In terms of logistics, plans will be familiar to anyone who’s been along for any of the last 20 years:

Camping is pre-booked at Valley of The Rocks https://goo.gl/maps/WHtttGVJG5DkdWxf7 – you don’t need to book separately, but on arrival please let them know you are there. They’re offering a special rate for The Rucksack Club and are always very welcoming, so be sure to say Hi and thank you! 😊

The Saturday morning rendezvous is the South Stack Café (as usual) https://goo.gl/maps/8XDRPNpPknzXK4xU6 They’re open at 10am and they’re expecting us and will be laying on extra supplies for bacon or/and egg butties etc. NOTE there is now a parking fee at South Stack – bring coins (or you can pay in the café. Free parking for RSPB members).

Beers and other aperitifs will be served on the beach at Port Dafarch from 7pm https://goo.gl/maps/REsJwAwTGj2f6XsC7 with food from 7:30 or thereabouts. No whinging if you are late and miss the hot food (or have to incinerate your own!)

We’ll rendezvous at the café again on Sunday at 10am for another day of fun.

We introduced Beach Yoga for the first time last year! Helen will be putting on another session or two this year (weather permitting). Keep an eye on the website for timing details.

Let me know if you are planning to be there, and whether you prefer your BBQ fare to be plant-based or meaty. Get in touch if there’s any more info you need; if you want me to try to fix you up with a climbing / walking / paddling / sandcastle buddy; or indeed anything else! We’re looking forward to seeing you all!

Meanwhile, a few pics from last year to get you psyched!

Cheers, Dom and Helen

E: Dominic@oughton.uk.com

M: 07778 873512

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