The Rucksack Club

Himalayas and Outer Hebrides Slideshow now on catch up

Huge thanks again to Mark, Joe and Andy for a brilliant Slideshow on Tuesday evening. The room at Summit Up was full to bursting, and we squeezed in another 20 or so with the magic of Zoom. If you missed out, you can now watch the show on catch up: As well as brightening up a February evening, the event also raised £115 for Urban Uprising (thanks to Netty and Gareth on raffle duty!) You can read about the great work that they do (and chip in with a donation if you are inspired!) here: Next up, for the season finale, we’ve got Mark Jenneson and Richard Clegg relating the tales of their recent mission to Mt Kenya. Tuesday 11 March: A Grand Traverse of Mount Kenya – Mark Jenneson and Rich Clegg. (at Summit Up, Oldham and on Zoom).

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Tuesday 11 February Slideshow – Seacliff Adventures and Himalayan Explorations

Next up in the Indoor Meets Season at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11 February, we’ve got a brilliant Double Bill: Britain’s Finest Seacliffs? – Mark Hounslea will take us on a journey to explore Pabbay and Mingullay in the Outer Hebrides. Half Day Men – Andy Barlass and Joe Fisher will share tales from their Climbing and Trekking in the Khumbu Himalayas including an ascent of Lobouche East at 6,119m Something for everyone, and once again entry is completely FREE and open to EVERYONE! Tell your friends and bring them along. Each Slideshow this season features a raffle, with all proceeds going to a climbing related charity. The February event will support Urban Uprising who’s mission is Elevating and inspiring young people through climbing The show will commence at 7.30pm, so how about coming along early to grab a few routes (did you know Rucksack Club members get concessionary rates?) or to enjoy a chat over a brew, pizza or ice-cream in the cheerful cafe? Breaking News – I know that a number of Rucksack Club regulars (mentioning no names) enjoy a little tipple as an accompaniment to a Slideshow. They will be pleased to hear that they are welcome[…]

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The Scoop and other Hard Rock ticks – now on catch up

A huge thank you to everyone who came along to join in the Hard Rock fun on Tuesday – around fifty folks made the trip to Summit Up, Oldham and another thirty or so tuned in on Zoom. If you missed the show you’ll find it here or just click on the “Get Out There” tab and select “Virtual Meet Gallery” to view the whole back catalogue. Next up on Tuesday 11 February, we’ve got a brilliant Double Bill: Britain’s Finest Seacliffs? – Mark Hounslea will take us on a journey to explore Pabbay and Mingullay in the Outer Hebrides. Half Day Men – Andy Barlass and Joe Fisher will share tales from their Climbing and Trekking in the Khumbu Himalayas including an ascent of Lobouche East at 6,119m Something for everyone, and once again entry is completely FREE and open to EVERYONE! Tell your friends and bring them along. Each Slideshow this season features a raffle, with all proceeds going to a climbing related charity. The February event will support Urban Uprising who’s mission is Elevating and inspiring young people through climbing 7.30pm at Summit Up, Oldham and on Zoom. See you there!

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Tuesday 14 January: The Scoop and other Hard Rock ticks – Dominic Oughton, Bill Deakin and Special Guests (at Summit Up, Oldham and on Zoom). 

Join us for a New Year get together – as the days are getting longer, and we look forward to the coming trad season, what better way to get psyched than a skim through Ken Wilson’s great book: HARD ROCK… The headline act will be a dash to the Outer Hebrides for an ascent of The Scoop – Ken’s “spoiler” intended to stop Puerile tickers from collecting the full set. Episode 14 of Bill and Dom’s Excellent Adventures was a whistle-stop affair to bag the penultimate route in Dom’s obsessive ticking of Hard Rock. Short, but action packed! The show will also feature others of the more far-flung entries in this definitive compendium of the finest climbs in Britain. If you have a Hard Rock story or pictures to share, it’s not too late to make a guest appearance! Drop me a message! The show will commence at 7.30pm, so how about coming along early to grab a few routes (did you know Rucksack Club members get concessionary rates?) or to enjoy a chat over a brew, pizza or ice-cream in the cheerful cafe? Summit Up Climbing is at Egerton St, Oldham OL1 3SE. Here’s a Google Maps link:[…]

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Alaska Expedition Alpinism with Adam Bowman – now available on catch up

It was great to have a good turnout at Tuesday’s Slideshow to hear tales of Alaska Expedition Alpinism with Adam Bowman. Gripping stuff! A bunch of us took the opportunity for a few routes ahead of the show, as we were welcomed at our new venue at Summit Up climbing wall in Oldham. Also great to raise some much needed funding for the British Heart Foundation ♥️ If you missed out, you can still view on catch up at the following link: … Or click the “Get Out There!” Menu tab and select “Virtual Meet Gallery” to view this and dozens of other great shows. Next up, The Scoop – Episode 14 of Bill and Dom’s Excellent Adventures. 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th January. Hard Rock is the definitive UK ticklist, featuring 60 of the best routes from HVS to E4, plus an “outlier”. The Scoop on Strone Ulldale, Britain’s steepest crag, is a bit of a stopper, whether in original A3+ form, or free at E7. Join us for an entertaining “Bill and Dom’s Excellent Adventures” ascent plus other standout routes from this iconic collection. Taking place at Summit Up climbing wall in Oldham. EVERYONE is welcome (even if you[…]

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Friends in High Places – Now available on catch up

Brilliant Slideshow from Will Rupp this evening, celebrating adventure and trad climbing around the world.   From hard Peak District classics, winter climbs, European multipitches to African big walls. Combining stunning photographs with tales from some of the world’s best climbers and unknown heros. If you missed out, it’s now available on catch up here: If you enjoyed the great photos and stories and want to treat yourself to the book then here’s the link: Huge thanks to Will! Meanwhile, be sure to get next month’s show in your calendar: Tuesday 10 December: Alaska Expedition Alpinism – Adam Bowman (at Summit Up, Oldham and on Zoom). Adam is the latest recipient of the Club’s Expedition Grant, which helped to fund his participation in this Alaskan Odyssey as part of the Young Alpinists Group. Climbing and skiing in the heart of Denali National park, Adam will talk about his first trip into the big mountains with six other nemebers of the YAG. They climbed a variety of objectives and made the most of the excellent early trip skiing conditions with some steep descents. Show starts at 7.30pm on ZoomHere are the details to join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 871 1747 6215Passcode:[…]

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2024-25 Indoor Meets Season

As the nights draw in, it’s good to have something to look forward to, so here’s the program for the Club’s Winter Indoor Meets. These are scheduled for 7.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of every month November to March, taking place at Summit Up climbing wall in Oldham and also going out live on Zoom (apart from the season opener in November, which is Zoom only). Tuesday 12 November: Friends in High Places – Will Rupp (Zoom only). Club members will remember Will as one of the first recipients of the Expedition Grant for his big-walling trip to Madagascar, and the brilliant photos he captured of his exploits. Will’s climbing and photography have both gone from strength to strength since, and he recently released a book: Friends in High Places, capturing some stunning imagery of climbs from the Peak to Pembroke, North Wales to the Dolomites and Morocco to Madagascar. Tuesday 10 December: Alaska Expedition Alpinism – Adam Bowman (at Summit Up, Oldham and on Zoom). Adam is the latest recipient of the Club’s Expedition Grant, which helped to fund his participation in this Alaskan Odyssey as part of the Young Alpinists Group. Climbing and skiing in the heart of[…]

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2025 Rucksack Club Charity Calendar supporting Climbers Against Cancer

It’s that time of year again – The 2025 Rucksack Club Charity Calendar is now available for your purchase and enjoyment. As in the last three years, the design, production and printing of the calendar have all been funded by the Club and its members, so that EVERY SINGLE PENNY raised from sales will go to Climbers Against Cancer (Charity no. 115818) to fund cancer research and support for those living with and beyond this disease. Over the last three years the Club has raised around £15,000 for Climbers Against Cancer, and I thought it was worth highlighting some of the projects you have all helped to fund with your generosity: Nepal project, training doctors to use existing radiotherapy equipment to treat children – cancer survival rates for kids in Nepal are 20% (v 80% in UK). Just think what a difference we can make! Funding and awareness for ‘the Big Four’ (Breast/Prostate/Bowel/Skin cancer) in UK – raising money AND helping our climbing community to stay safe / get checked / look after themselves! Climbing Beyond Cancer – using our wonderful activity as a part of a recovery regime for cancer patients in Grenoble , Calgary and Inverness This year’s[…]

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Closing date for 2025 Calendar Pics – 31st August

Only a couple of weeks before the closing date 31 August. Last chance to “Get In There!” This is the sixth year of the Rucksack Club Charity Calendar and we’re getting close to a total of £20,000 raised during that time. I’m really keen to make 2025 another bumper edition AND bumper fundraiser, but it doesn’t work without YOUR PHOTOS! In 2025 we will be continuing our partnership with Climbers Against Cancer. Please send High Res landscape format photos featuring and/or taken by Rucksack Club members in action “Getting Out There” between Sept 2023 and August 2024. Please change filename to the following format: MONTH_CAPTION_CREDIT for example FEB_Dom on a hiding to nothing_Photo Oughton collection Email to I’m a bit pushed for time this year, so it would be really helpful if you could do the chore of the filename etc – I just won’t be able to go chasing missing details or asking for high res when you don’t send them first time. Thanks in advance for your support 🙂 Cheers, Dom

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Gogarth 2024 – and a chance to climb Everest by the sea

This year’s Gogarth Meet is taking place on 15 & 16 June ‘Phew, what a scorcher!’ was the headline from the 2023 Gogarth Meet, and of course we’ll be hoping for more of the same when we gather this year on Porth Dafarch beach. In any event, it’s the same old formula that has served us well for the last twenty years. Come equipped with a rack & rope; a bike; kayak or pair of binoculars; or just a tube of factor 50 and a bucket and spade – whatever you need to ‘Get Out There!’ and work up a thirst / appetite. Bring your friends and family – the more the merrier! In terms of logistics, plans will be familiar to anyone who’s been along for any of the last twenty years: Camping is pre‐booked at Valley of The Rocks Google Maps – you don’t need to book separately, but on arrival please let them know you are there. They’re offering a special rate for The Rucksack Club and are always very welcoming, so be sure to say Hi and thank you! The Saturday morning rendezvous is the South Stack Café (as usual) Google Maps They’re open at 10[…]

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