Craigallan Problem – Help Needed

John visited Craigallan recently for a routine working visit and to investigate a report of a broken bed slat.  The bad news is that the bed slat has been infested with woodworm and, on closer inspection, there are holes in other slats and at least the slats on one other bed.

The problem needs to be dealt with and John is unable to make another visit in the near future.   Paul Riley, with help from other Members, built the bunk beds is also away in France and so unable to help.  So, we could do with a volunteer or small group of volunteers to help out.  Paul as offered advice and John has provided a provisional task list:

  • Lift off mattresses in one bunk room at a time.
  • Remove all bed slats which show signs of infestation ie holes
  • Burn the affected slats.
  • Check bed frames for any signs of holes (less likely as they have been varnished).
  • Obtain suitable timber to replace any slats removed and cut to length.  A visit to Oban will be needed to obtain the timber.
  • Purchase suitable treatment fluid.
  • Replace all slats which have been removed.
  • Treat all timber on bunks, including varnished frames as a precaution.
  • Check around other timber in the hut for any signs of woodworm holes.

The Club will, of course, pay for all materials and cover travel expenses and hut nights.   John is happy to discuss the work in more detail with anyone who is prepared to help.

There are plenty of dates when the hut is empty during the remainder of June and throughout July.

If you are able to help please get in touch with myself or John.

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