A dip into the Club Journals – 1994: Paul O’Reilly and A War of Attrition on the War Bonnet

The Rum Cullin from Orval, photo M.S. Cudahy

This month we’re back in 1994, and a difficult choice, this time it’s Paul O’Reilly’s account of an epic with Andy Stewart and a pal in the Wind River Range: A War of Attrition on the War Bonnet, read it here.

Andy’s OTHW is available here too.

Paul O’Reiolly and Andy Stewart

And visit the 1994 journal for more reports including Mike Cudahy’s continuous Munro round, various Alpine Adventures and others from further afield, here are a few photos …

Ama Dablam, from on the trail above Dengboche, photo P.Cockshott

John Allen on Pt 3718 by N.Mather

Below, Mike Cudahy on his continuous Munro round

The Goldsmiths in South Africa


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