Joint RC/CC Meet 29 April – 7 May 2024 [updated]

6 RC members, 1 AM, 1 guest and 1 CC member enjoyed a week of amazingly good weather, especially given a less than encouraging forecast! We walked, climbed, ran, biked, marshalled pre-65 motorcycles ‘trialing’, rested and socialised! Those who decided not to come missed a great week!

A few pictures below capture the week [with captions now added]:

Devils Ridge Mamores. Photo Charlie Elliot

Adam Gouldsworthy on Pandora Glen Nevis. Photo Andy Tomlinson

Rest day visit to Ariundle woods Strontian via the Corran ferry. Photo John Rowlands

Tim Taylor surveying Ardverikie Wall. Photo Andy Tomlinson

Tim Taylor Ardverikie Wall. Photo Andy Tomlinson

Afternoon light on hills beyond Loch-Treig, walk out from Ardverikie Wall. Photo Tim Taylor

Adam Gouldsworthy Pitch 2 Secretaries Direct Glen Nevis. Photo Andy Tomlinson

Andy Tomlinson and Collette Haig Meall-na-Teanga. Photo Andy Tomlinson

Rest day bike ride Lismore ferry. Photo Tim Taylor

Communal meal. Photo Andy Tomlinson

Sunset over Ardgour from Craigallan. Photo Charlie Elliot

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