Beudy bookings update

This is how it’s looking over the next couple of months;-
This coming weekend (14-16 June) is Dominic’s Gogarth Meet but about half a dozen people have edged their bets on the weather by booking in the hut. Peak Climbing Club are in the weekend after (21-23 June) with 11 spaces booked and to end the month (28-30) June it’s Pete Edgerton’s Slate Trail Meet. Details in Meetstaff – contact Pete direct if you want to book on the Meet.
In July, long-time regulars OBEC (Old Bromsgrovian Expeditionary Club) have booked the whole hut for the first weekend (5-7 July). Netty Llewellyn’s Club Meet is on the following weekend (12-14 July). Again, details in Meetstaff and contact Netty direct. Peak Climbing Club are back are back again (they really like the place!) the weekend after (19-21) with 11 spaces booked.
Beudy is then available for the rest of July and, going to press, the whole of August. In fact, there are no bookings for September until Lewis Ashton’s Meet (20-22 September).
So – plenty of opportunities for you to ‘Get Out There!’. I’m always puzzled by the lack of midweek bookings given the age profile of our membership and the cliffs and the mountains being quieter. I’d also like to encourage more family use. I know Beudy is not as family friendly as High Moss but, lets face it, what a great place for you to introduce the kids to Eryri!
Finally, two reminders. First, let me know by email if you want to make a booking (please don’t call or text – I’ll forget/forget to check). Second, you can check availability at any time by logging on the Club website – click on ‘Huts’, then click on the ‘Check here for hut availability’ box. This will take you to the calendar. Click on any date and you can see what is available. No need to click on the green boxes – that means the hut is empty.
Looking forward to being inundated with your bookings!

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