Tuesday 14 January: The Scoop and other Hard Rock ticks – Dominic Oughton, Bill Deakin and Special Guests (at Summit Up, Oldham and on Zoom). 

Join us for a New Year get together – as the days are getting longer, and we look forward to the coming trad season, what better way to get psyched than a skim through Ken Wilson’s great book: HARD ROCK…

The headline act will be a dash to the Outer Hebrides for an ascent of The Scoop – Ken’s “spoiler” intended to stop Puerile tickers from collecting the full set.

Episode 14 of Bill and Dom’s Excellent Adventures was a whistle-stop affair to bag the penultimate route in Dom’s obsessive ticking of Hard Rock. Short, but action packed!

The show will also feature others of the more far-flung entries in this definitive compendium of the finest climbs in Britain.

If you have a Hard Rock story or pictures to share, it’s not too late to make a guest appearance! Drop me a message!

The show will commence at 7.30pm, so how about coming along early to grab a few routes (did you know Rucksack Club members get concessionary rates?) or to enjoy a chat over a brew, pizza or ice-cream in the cheerful cafe?

Summit Up Climbing https://summitupclimbing.com/ is at Egerton St, Oldham OL1 3SE. Here’s a Google Maps link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ndUK5QxJVHFgEpj87

Here are the details to join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 1747 6215
Passcode: 1902


The show is open to EVERYONE and is FREE OF CHARGE regardless of whether you are a Rucksack Club member. We’ll be holding a raffle at each, with ALL PROCEEDS going to charity – this month that’s Climbers Against Cancer. We’ll also be hosting a pop-up CAC Shop so you can pick up some goodies while you’re there.

We’re looking forward to welcoming the whole of the North West and Peak climbing, mountaineering and outdoors communities, so come along and join in the fun!

Cheers, Dom. Indoor Meets Secretary

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