Easter Meet - David Nightingale
The 2024 Easter Meet will once again take place in Scotland but this year at our own club hut. Easter falls early this year so there is the possibility of some super winter conditions for hill walking and climbing if we are lucky.
If you have never visited this area. well it is chock full of Munros, Corbetts, winter ice routes and cycling opportunities....far too many to list fully, but both Ben Nevis and Glencoe are close by for starters. Th well appointed and comfortable hut is in a stunning location on the shores of Loch Linnhe and looks across to the Ardnamurchan peninsula. The meet is a 'do as you please' gathering so whatever your outdoor pursuit is you are welcome.
I will be providing a delicious communal meal for all on one of the nights (approx £5).
Entertainment ; I plan to organise two short and light hearted (optional) activities over two of the evenings.
The Rucksack Club Variety Show ; Your chance to be a star! If anyone can entertain us all for up to five minutes - in anyway shape or form - well the stage is yours! You could read a poem, tell a few jokes, champion why your favourite mountain is simply the best, do some magic, play a tune on a recorder, show us how to crochet....anything goes. I hope to get six or more turns and put on a show no-one will ever forget.
(i will have a screen, computer and projector on hand for use by performers if needed).
I shall hold an edition of the legendary 'Nightingale's Newspaper Quiz' game (with prizes) for those who wish to take part.
I have booked all 18 bed spaces including the lounge spaces for the four nights of Friday 29th of March to Monday 1st April. Normal hut fees will apply.
Bookings will be taken on a first come first served basis.
For more details, or to reserve a space, please contact David Nightingale Tel:
07584 933 844; email: david.nightingale321@gmail.com