High Moss joint meet with Wayfarers

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05/07/2024 - 07/07/2024 All day

Co-ordinator ; Clair Wilson

High Moss Joint Meet with Wayfarers Clair Wilson
Please come along and enjoy climbing, walking, biking, paddling or whatever your
mountain activity at High Moss and enjoy the company of Wayfarers. Please let me
know if you’d like to come.

Related upcoming events

  • 10/08/2024 All day

    Helsby Climbing/Walking Meet Dave Atkinson

    This will be a one-day meet, although of course there is no reason why people should not make a weekend of it by staying locally.

    For now, I just need to know whether you will be climbing or walking, because there may be different meeting points for each. Thank you.

    Climbing will be at Helsby unless conditions make Frodsham the better bet. The climbing at Frodsham is either solo or top-rope. At Helsby, many of the climbs are ‘leadable’ with traditional protection (notably the classic Flake Crack HVS) but on quite a lot of the best routes, protection is very sparse – as for another classic, Grooved Slab VS, first ascent by Rucksacker Harry Kelly I believe, where there is none. Most of my experience has been of a few hours in the evening when, apart from the considerations above, top-rope and solo were the best way to get a lot of rock mileage in a short time. Hopefully we will have some locals to show you round. Standards range from ‘not too hard’ to ‘ridiculous.’ Some of the climbing is top-class, some of it absolutely awful,

    The walk will be short-ish one (6-8 miles?) with options for making it even short-er for the weak, lame and lazy, in whose illustrious number I now have to count myself. An option that may appeal is doing a south-north (A to B) walk on the Sandstone Trail. With there being friends at the north end (Frodsham) you should be able to arrange for someone to take you back to your starting point.  

    I will let you know timings and details of any post-match gathering points. If you want to book food for afterwards, there are plenty of options locally, though I am not planning to book something food-wise for everyone. 

  • 16/08/2024 - 18/08/2024 All day

    Black Mountains from Llanthony Priory

    Co-ordinators - Andrew Beckett and Keith Towell

    Turn! Turn! Turn! A year ago we planned a meet based at the Llanthony Court Campsite in the Vale of Ewyas, north of Abergavenny. Then we heard that our meet weekend coincided with the Llanthony Festival, so the campsite was predicted to be very busy and perhaps noisy at night. We therefore switched to the Cwmdu Campsite a few miles to the west, which was something of a success; to the extent that we proposed a return this year. But now we discover that that campsite is in high demand for this year’s Green Man Festival in Brecon and we have had difficulty booking there. So we’re reverting to Plan A and Llanthony (SO289278; www.llanthonycamping.co.uk). This site is more basic than the Cwmdu one; toilets and running water are provided but no showers. But it’s in a scenic location adjacent to the 12th century Llanthony Priory with a hotel bar close at hand. We will aim to organise a group meal in the bar for those participants opting in at least two weeks in advance.  

    There is superb cycling over the Gospel Pass leading to Hay-on-Wye. If you missed Keith Towell’s cycling meet here a few years ago, here is a chance to catch up. 

    For walkers, there is an option of a 29km/ 900m walk over the Black Mountains, starting along Offa’s Dyke and heading north to Hay Bluff, then SW over Lord Hereford’s Knob to Rhos Dirion and SE to Bâl Bach before returning to Llanthony. But there are some shorter alternatives; one can drive a short distance to the very attractive Capel-y-ffin and do a shorter circuit around Hay Bluff, or start from Llanthony and descend to Capel-y-ffin before returning via the Chwarel y Fan ridge to the west. To extend the expedition, one might cross over the Offa’s Dyke ridge and the Olchon Valley to re-ascend the Cat’s Back ridge (with a short section of mild scrambling) before following the ridge from there to Hay Bluff. Andrew will aim to do one of these on the Saturday, depending on the weather. 

    For the Sunday the options include the Sugar Loaf, Pen y Fan and Waun Fach, the highest top in the Black Mountains. 

    Please let us know if you intend to come, particularly if you’d like to opt in to the group meal.


  • 23/08/2024 - 26/08/2024 All day

    High Moss Bank Holiday Family Meet

    Jack Shaw

    Family bank holiday meet at High Moss - a great opportunity for kids and grandkids to enjoy the hut. The peace and serenity of High Moss disrupted by the playing of young ones over a long weekend. 

    I’m planning to provide an early-ish evening meal on the Saturday (to accommodate those who are early to bed). On the Sunday I will be taking some paddle boards and the necessary equipment to Coniston for an afternoon of playing on the water which will be BYOP - bring your own picnic. I should be able to provide multiple paddle boards, paddles and buoyancy aids so please feel welcome to come and paddle no matter your ability and kit. 


    Please email or call if you would like to come and let me know if you have any questions or dietary restrictions.

  • 30/08/2024 - 01/09/2024 All day

    Co-ordinator ; Dave Atkinson

    30 – 31 August

    Beudy Mawr BBQ Weekend Meet Dave Atkinson

    For this one, at this stage, just let me know if you would like to book a bed or beds and for which night or nights, or indeed if you will just be coming down for the day. 

    I am not quite sure how the barbecue bit is going to work but I will be gathering intelligence on that, and if you plan to come along, I will be able to give you more details. Ideally, it will be a gorgeous day, there will be a convivial gathering outside the Hut, and everything coming off the barbecue will be perfectly cooked and completely delightful.

    As far as getting on the hill is concerned, my only input will be linking you up with others if you are new to the Club.

  • 07/09/2024 - 08/09/2024 All day

    Co-ordinator ; Gareth Llewellyn

    Come and join me for episode 3, series 3 of the Rucksack Club's famous High Camp.
    This year we will be camping alongside Llyn Hywel at the foot of Rhinog Fach, grid ref
    SH 664 268. The Rhinogs are a rugged and little visited range of Welsh mountains, so
    prepare for a rough walk in from Cwm Bychan, Trawsfynydd, Barmouth or where‐ever
    takes your fancy. If we are blessed with good weather, we can watch the sun setting
    over Cardigan Bay from the top of the little hill to the west of the llyn. If not, we can
    hunker down in tents and wish for daylight to come quickly! I can't make promises
    about the weather, but I can promise a feast of blaeberries as you wander up the
    Roman Steps. Extra points for everyone who summits both Rhinog Fach & Rhinog Fawr
    over the weekend.
    Contact details as per the Handbook, or just turn up.

  • 13/09/2024 - 15/09/2024 All day


    Joint Meet with MAM at Star Cottage, Matlock

    Keith Towell

    This meet will be based at Star Cottage, the Midland Association of Mountaineers’ Hut in Two Dales, Matlock, Derbyshire. With beautiful views over the Derbyshire dales, it is in prime position for taking part in adventurous activities from walking, climbing, caving, kayaking or cycling; it’s all on the doorstep. 

    A communal meal will be provided on the Saturday night for those staying or you may wish just to come along as a day visitor. 

    Accommodation is £10 per person per night.

    On the Saturday I plan to cycle to Parsley Hay and return via Ashbourne, Carsington and Matlock; a leisurely jaunt taking in coffee shops and a local hostelry. 

    Please let me know of your intentions by the Wednesday before. 


  • 20/09/2024 - 22/09/2024 All day


    High Moss ‘Do as you please’ Meet

    Mark Baron

    I joined the club in 2022, and by this time in 2024 l was hoping to have met many more members. Unfortunately, due to a roller coaster of injuries and recovery, latterly - as l write this - an operation to put my collar bone back in place after coming off the mountain bike, this hasn’t been possible.

    So to try to rectify this, please come and join me at High Moss from 20 to 22 September. 

    As it's a “Do as you please meet”; anyone is welcome to come along to the hut for the weekend.

    I will be doing a road bike ride on one day and a walk on the other, if anyone wishes to join me, otherwise feel free to do your own thing. 

    I will cook a meal on the Saturday, including a vegetarian option. If you have any further dietary requirements, please ensure you bring something with you as an alternative. 

    Please let me know if you wish to attend by the Tuesday before the meet (17th September) to give me time to get the catering organised. My contact details are in the Handbook.

    Hope to see you there!


  • 20/09/2024 - 22/09/2024 All day


    Peris Horseshoe Race Weekend Meet from Beudy Mawr

    Lewis Ashton

    The Peris Horseshoe race is a tough, rough and spectacular race. This year it’s the long race in the British Hill and Fell Running Championships. It should be a cracker! This meet coincides with the event to give a more relaxed start to race day (Saturday) and the possibility of a potter on the Sunday before heading home. So whether you are competing, supporting or just fancy being a part of a fantastic hill running weekend, do come and join us. 

  • 28/09/2024 All day

    Co-ordinator ;  Dave Atkinson

    Please see the website nearer the time for this meet.

  • 04/10/2024 - 06/10/2024 All day

    High Moss Working Meet

    Steve Beswick

    We are expecting the usual clamour for places on this year’s working meet; I have been ruminating about making it an all-ticket event and involving Ticketmaster.

    The meet will follow the usual format. Arrive Friday evening, enjoy a meal and lively conversation. Saturday brings an opportunity for Steve Beswick to demonstrate his complete lack of ability with a paintbrush (but hopefully he will find something he can do?) Everyone else will be occupied with the tasks that enable High Moss to run smoothly. Food will be supplied (a lot of it usually) and a drink or two.

    Are you coming? Please let Steve know.