Langley, Shutlingsloe, Wildboarclough, Oakenclough & Sutton; 9.25mi

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11/08/2021 All day

CAUTION - route details may be out of date!

Langley, Shutlingsloe, Wildboarclough, Oakenclough & Sutton; 9.25mi

Pub:    Stanley Arms, Bottom of the Oven Wildboarclough

Maps -  1:25,000:   White Peak W - 1:50,000:              118 Macclesfield & Stoke-on-Trent

Start - 10am Road Ridgegate Resvr 957714

Morning Route:  (5.25 mi)

    *Rds Sly to 959711; concession track/fps SEly up over Shutlingsloe (coffee) & down to rd Wildboarclough

    982686; rd/fp/rd SW/W/NW to Greenway Br 963687**; fps Nly/Ely up by (lunch) Oakenclough to PH

    953696, Hanging Gate Inn

Afternoon Route:  (4 mi)

    ***Fp/rd NE to 950699; fp (Gritstone Trl) SW/W down to rd 940696; rd NW 350m; fp N by Ridge Hill Fm to

    rd Ridge Hill; rd ESE 200m; fp Nly by Backridges Fm to Cock Hall Lane; rd ESE 600m; fps NEly/ESEly &

    Nly to approx 952713; concession path SEly on S side of Ridgegate Resvr to rd corner 956711; rds E/Nly

    to cars

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  • 08/05/2024 10:00 - 08/05/2024 16:00

    A: Gradbach, Hangingstone, Danebridge, Gun End & Meerbrook 12.2 ml
    Done: 23/10/1996 (Ian Howie), 19/10/2005 (Bev Burrage), 09/11/2011 (Geoff Edge)
    Start: Gradbach car park SJ999662
    Pub: Lazy Trout, Meerbrook
    Maps: Dark Peak W
    Route AM: Fp/cncsnfp/fp up by Hangingstone Rock to Danebridge ??of Dane to fb 956642, fp/accn rd/rd Sly & Ely up by Hollinhall to Gun End Fm 965628, fps E & S by Cliff Hollins, (lunch; superb view) Cliff, Oldhay Top, Higher Wetwood to Meerbrook (Broad Lee Fm) 986608, rd E to The Lazy Trout
    Route PM: Rd/fp NW to fp jn 988617, accn rd/fps Nly by Stockmeadows ,Meadows, to rd 987642, rd/fp NE/N to fp jn 988651, cncsnfp NNE/NW up over ridge & then down thro Lud's Church, short cut down to fps back along Dane by YH to cars

    B: Gradbach, Roach End, Danebridge & Dane Valley 8.4 ml 1509 ft
    Done: 13/06/2012, 23/09/2015, 16/08/2017, 17/08/2022 (Ian Wasson), 18/10/2023
    Start: Gradbach car park SJ999662
    Pub: Ship Inn, Danebridge 962653
    Maps: 1:25000- White Peak West.
    Details AM 4.5mi: Rd/trk/fp SW/S/SE by Cloughhead to 008650. Fp Sly to fp. Fp Wly by FB to Roach End. Fp NWly to 978654, trk/fp/rd WSWly by Hangingstone Farm to Danebridge, Ship Inn.
    Details PM 3.9mi: Rd E to 965651, fp NE/Ely back to cars.
    N.B.: Distance includes pub. If omit pub, it's 7.5

  • 15/05/2024 10:00 - 15/05/2024 16:00

    A: Grindleford, Longshaw, Burbage, Stanage, Hathersage & Padley Gorge 11 ml
    Done: 31/07/2002 (Ian Howie), 16/07/2008 (Chris Massey), 23/07/2014 (Chris Massey), 25/07/2018 (Chris Massey)
    Start: Grindleford Station SK251788
    Pub: Little John Hotel, Hathersage Good, welcoming, fine range of good, cheap beers
    Maps: - 1:25,000: Dark Peak E & White Peak E
    AM Route : (7 mi) Fps ESEly/NEly up thro Longshaw Estate to Foxhouse Inn rd junction 266802 (coffee); A625/Houndkirk Lane NE to 275814; trespass NWly to fp top of Burbage Edge approx 269820; fp NW to Upper Burbage Bridge; informal fps W/NW along top of Stanage (lunch in Robin Hood's Balcony Cave) to approx 244837; down NW/SW to rd 240836; fps SWly/Sly by North Lees, Cow Close to fp junction near Hathersage Church 234820; fps WSW/SSW to rd Hathersage 232816; rd WSW to Little John
    PM. Route : (4 mi) Rds/fp SEly to A625 235812; fps E/NEly by Scraperlow, Mitchell Field to rd 251816; fp SEly, with initial difficulty, to A625 Toad's Mouth; fps SWly down Padley Gorge to cars

    B: Grindleford, White Edge, Froggat Edge 7.2 ml 1047 ft or 9.1ml
    Done: 01/03/2023
    Start: Grindleford Station SK251788
    Pub: ED The Maynard or Sir William, Grindleford
    Maps: - 1:25,000: Dark Peak E & White Peak E
    Route: climb SE, across rd, fp E to White Edge. Sly to rd at 262746. NW/NE along Curbar Edge, Froggat to cross rd, Nly to cars.
    (NB: can be lengthened to 9ml by continuing to Wellington's Monument and Curbar Edge.)

  • 22/05/2024 16:00 - 22/05/2024 16:00

    A: Grindon, Ford, Ipstones Edge, Cauldon, Waterhouses & Waterfall 9.5 ml
    Done: 28/10/1998 (Howie)
    Start: Grindon Church SK085545
    Pub: Yew Tree Inn, Cauldon Now closed Wed lunch
    Maps: White Peak W;810 Ashbourne & the Churnet Valley - 119 Buxton, Matlock & Dove Dale
    Route AM: Rd/fp/rd WSWly thro Ford to rd Ford Fm 064538; fps S/SWly/S by Backlane to A523 Newstreet Fm 055520; fps SWly by Blackbrook, Hallbarn up to rd Ipstones Edge 043505; rds SE/NE to 051502; fp/ln/fps/ln SE/ESEly over rd 059499 to Cauldon, Yew Tree Inn 076493
    Route PM: Lns/fps NNEly/E/NNE by FB, Caldon Mill to A523 082503; fps E/N to rd 083510; rd 750m NNW; fps/ln Nly by Waterfall Ch , FB, N end of Slade Ln, Oldfields & Deepdale Fms to cars

    B: Grindon, Winkhill, Waterhouses, Waterfall 8 ml 953 ft
    Start: Grindon Church SK085545
    Pub: Ye Old Crown, Waterhouses
    Maps: Dark Peak W - 119 Buxton, Matlock & Dove Dale
    Route AM 5mi: fp/rd/fp SW to Felthouse, fp W/SSWly to Winkhill. Fp SE to Bentygrange Lane, rd/fp to New House Farm, E to Waterhouses and pub.
    Route PM 3mi: W aross main rd, fp/rd N to Waterfall (081515), fp/rd N to Grindon.

  • 29/05/2024 10:00 - 29/05/2024 16:00

    A: Chadkirk, Lower Bredbury, Reddish Vale, Haughton Dale & Greave 11.75 ml
    Done: 23/01/2002 (Ian Howie)
    Start: Chadkirk parkin SJ937897
    Pub: Arden Arms
    Maps: - 1:25,000: 277 Manchester & Salford
    AM Route : (6.25 mi) Rd/fps (Etherow-Goyt Valley Way) Sly/NW by Mill Lane to cross fb over Goyt 925898; Midshires Way NWly by Goyt & Vernon Park (coffee by bandstand) to B6104 Lower Bredbury 911910; rd 100m E; MSW/Trans Pennine Trail Nly to Reddish Vale 906934 ; fps ESEly, forced diversion to cross M60 fb at 916929, & by Arden Hall to lane 922931; lane (Castle Hill) NNEly down to Arden Arms
    PM. Route : (5.5 mi) Lane (Arden Road/Turner Lane) 250m NE then SEly to 930929; fps Ely by 'Weir' & up to Peak Forest Canal 937929; NE on towpath 300m then Ely on Tameside Trl to rd Bowlacre 945930; fps SE/SW by Birches Fm, Back-o'th'-Hill to rd 947918; fp/lanes Sly/Ely/S down across Golf Course to B6104 Cherry Tree 953909; rd W 100m; rd SSEly thro estate & rd/fp WSWly over rly to canal 948904; towpath 250m W; fp (nominally closed) & rd down by Kirk Wood to cars.

    B: Ashworth, Cheesden Brook, Rochdale Way 8.5 ml 1165 ft can be shortened
    Done: 21/02/2024 (Gwyn Thomas)
    Start: Very large layby on A680 SD830160 Approach from Junction 1, M66
    Pub: Early Doors Owd Betts (next to car park) a lunchtime pub possible if demand exists
    Route: Lumb Bridge, Croston Close Bottoms, Deeply Vale, Cheesden Brook, Simpson Clough, and Rochdale Way back to cars

  • 05/06/2024 10:00 - 05/06/2024 16:00

    A: Wormhill, Chee Dale, King Sterndale, Chelmorton & Priestcliffe 9.75 ml
    Done: 29/01/1997 (Howie), 09/01/2008 (Ian Wasson), 21/09/2011 (Ray Grover), 24/08/2016 (Ian Wasson)
    Start: near Wormhill Church, SK123742
    Pub: Church Inn, Chelmorton Excellent, sensibly re
    Maps: White Peak W - 119 Buxton, Matlock & Dove Dale
    Route AM: Rd/fp/inf fp S to Wye 123735, Wly up Chee Dale by stepping stones, old rly & fp to Rly Cotts 112728, up & Wly along N rim (coffee) to Woo Dale, down & over Wye & A6 at 098725, fp/ln/rd/fp up SSEly by King Sterndale to 093717, fps/lns SE across Deep Dale to Chelmorton, Church Inn
    Route PM: Fps/ln/rds ENEly/NEly to Lydgate Fm 140722, ln/fp down NNWly & up to Millers Dale old Sta, fp/rd/fp WNW/NW to Wormhill Ch

    B: Wormhill, Wye Dale, Chelmorton, & Blackwell. 7.5 ml 1399 ft
    Done: 28/08/2013, 24/08/2016, 19/09/2018
    Start: near Wormhill Church, SK123742
    Pub: Church Inn, Chelmorton 115703
    Maps: - 1:25,000: White Peak W, 1:50,000:119 Buxton Matlock & Dove Dale
    Route AM: (4.3 mi) Rd S to 123740, fp/trk/fp SWly to Wye 115727. Trl Wly to cross A6 at 103724. Fp Sly to 107717 (care required at fp jcn 105721). Caxter Way Lane S/SE to Chelmorton, N to Church Inn.
    Route PM: (3.2 mi) Fp ENEly to 121706, trk/rd/fp NNE by Blackwell to FB 128735. Fp/rd NW/N up to cars.

  • 12/06/2024 10:00 - 12/06/2024 16:00

    A: Shillito Wood, Baslow, Curbar & Froggatt Edges, Fox House & Flask Edge 12.75 ml
    Done: 19/02/2003 (Howie), 16/11/2005 (Lyn Noble), 27/08/2008 (Brian Richards), 26/05/2010 (Ray Grover), 16/11/2011 (Ian Wasson), 03/10/2012 (Keith Towell), 27/08/2014 (Gerry Oliver), 16/11/2016 (Gwyn Thomas), 29/08/2018 (Ray Grover)
    Start: Parking Shillito Wood SK295750
    Pub: Fox House Inn, Longshaw OK
    Maps: - 1:25,000: Dark Peak E & W Peak E - 1:50,000: 110 Sheff & Hudder & 119 Buxt Mat & Dove Dale
    Morning Route: (7.25 mi) Rds SWly to rd junction 281742; climbed locked gate to trespass/fp ESEly to Wellington monument; fps etc broadly Nly full length of Baslow (coffee), Curbar & Froggatt Edges & on to wall corner 256781; E to B6054; rd 100m Nly; fps N/NNE thro Longshaw Park (lunch) to Fox House Inn
    Afternoon Route: (5.5 mi) Rd 300m NE; fp/track/informal fp SEly/E/Sly, crossing a fp (Moss Lane) at 282794, to 395 trig pt 285788; moor on bearing SSW by Flask Edge to rd approx 282778 (luckily finding an access point); rd 50m W; tracks SE/E/Sly by Greaves Piece (tea), Foxlane Plnttn to access point at 295750, opposite the car park

    B: Baslow Edge, Curbar, Froggat and White Edges 8 ml 908 ft
    Start: Off A621, NE of Baslow SK279739
    Pub: early doors Prince of Wales, Baslow SK253273
    Maps: 1:25,000: White Peak
    Route: Rd NW, fp Wly past Wellington's Monument, N/NWNE along Baslow Edge, Curbar Edge, Froggat Edge to A625. Past CP, E across A625, to 266778 (near Hurkling Stone). Sly along White Edge and back to cars.

  • 19/06/2024 10:00 - 19/06/2024 16:00

    A: Peak Forest, Castleton, Hope, Brough & Bradwell 11.7 ml
    Done: 06/11/1996 (Ian Howie), 09/11/2005 (Bill Russell), 19/10/2011 (Brian Richards), 18/12/2013 (Geoff Edge), 19/10/2016 (Gavin Young), 27/12/2017 (Mike Gregg)
    Start: Peak Forest roadside SK115795
    Pub: Bowling Green, Bradwell good, welcoming, chips, sat outside in sun
    Maps: Dark Peak W
    Route AM: Rd/trk/fps Ely/Nly/NE by Oxlow Rake, Old Moor & Ca??? Castleton, rds thro to 154832, fp Ely to rd nr Hope 171833, rds/fp SEly by Navio to rd Brough 182826, rds/fp SWly by Lee Ho to Bradwell, the Bowling Green 171815
    Route PM: Rd WSW steeply up Smalldale to 159811, fp/rd SWly to appx 149802, fps WSW/SW from 159811), fps/rd WSW/Wly by Brecktor back to cars

    B: Peak Forest, Dam Dale, Hay Dale, Tideswell & Potluck 8.7 ml 804 ft
    Done: 23/10/2013
    Start: Peak Forest roadside SK115795
    Pub: George Hotel, Tideswell 153758
    Maps: White Peak W - 119 Buxton, Matlock & Dove Dale
    Route AM 4.6m: Fps SSEly down Dam Dale, Hay Dale, Peter Dale to rd 130753 rd up Ely to Tideswell, George Hotel nr Church.
    Route PM 4.1m: Wly thro town & up Wheston rd to 147759; Fp NW/WSW to rd 134766; rd/trk NW/SW to 122776, fp Nly to A623, rds NWly to cars.

  • 26/06/2024 10:00 - 26/06/2024 16:00

    A: Taxal, Errwood, Shining Tor, & Windgather 10 ml
    Done: 26/12/2012 (George Wilks), 20/12/2017 (tba)
    Start: Layby on A5004 SK009798
    Pub: Shepherd's, Whaley (early doors)
    Maps: White Peak W
    Route Fp and rd S along river and Fernilee reservoir to Errwood, fp SSW by Shooters Clough then NW to Shining Tor, Nly to Pym Chair and Windgather, fp Ely toOverton Hall farm, Whiteleas Rd N to Taxal church, down to footbridge and cars.
    N.B.: If Start still being used for road works then start at Fernlee SK015777

    B: Taxal, Fernilee, Errwood, Windgather 8.4 ml 1817 ft can be shortened
    Start: Layby on A5004 SK009798
    Pub: Shepherd's, Whaley Bridge (ED)
    Maps: White Peak W
    Route: rd/fp Wly to Taxal, rd/fp S to Overton Hall Farm. Rd/trk NE/Sly to rd (The Street), follow Sly to Shooter's Clough Bridge. Fp/rd W/NW to Pym Chair, N to Windgather 995784. Descend NEly to Taxal and cars.