SunRock 2018 – Sierra de Prades / Tarragona, mid March

Hello SunRockers!

The votes are in, and there’s plenty of interest in more sun and rock in 2018, with most of you happy to ‘go with the flow’! Of those who had a preference, the clear majority are in favour of Plan B so next year’s SunRock Meet will be in the Sierra de Prades in Catalunya in mid-March – exact dates to be confirmed shortly. 
Here’s a bit more information to whet the appetite:
The Sierra de Prades aka ‘Costa Dorada’ or ‘Tarragona’ includes iconic crags like Siurana, Margalef, Montral, Arboli and La Mussara amongst the offerings, see . With over 5,000 routes in the area, there are plenty of options.
Flights into Barcelona are regular and cheap – from £40 return! 
I’m now starting to explore accommodation options, so it would be useful to get an idea of numbers. Please let me know whether to ‘count me in’; ‘keep me posted’ or ‘stop tempting me’. We’re unlikely to find somewhere quite so palatial as our usual Costa Blanca pad so it’ll be first come first served if we have a capacity issue, though I’ll try to find nearby overflow options if needed.

Dom and Helen 

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