SunRock 2019 Meet Report

We’ve just waved goodbye to the last of the Rucksackers at the end of a marathon SunRock meet – 36 members and guests spread over 3 weeks [from 16th February] is something of a record!

It hasn’t all been “SUN” (and indeed we’ve seen snow!) but we managed to get some climbing done on 20 of the 21 days, so there was clearly no shortage of fabulous “ROCK” here in Leonidio.

Hard to pick out highlights from so many great days; I think everyone managed to take advantage of the sunny spells to push their grades on the sharp end. Steve and James get the prize for “Getting Out There!”, climbing every day despite the Big Chill and managing a couple of the long multi-pitch adventures on the huge red cliff above the town, Kokkinovrachos,

(as did John, Tony, Cec, Clair, Jim and Dave).

Jake took the “Pulling Hard” award, with three 7c onsights and a host more 7s.

Culinary highlights included a magnificent veggie feast by Clair, Ian, Mark and Ellie,

Dinner at the Dolphin for 24 which put a sparkle in the eye of our “Very Happy” host Thomas – we were “Special / The Best” (as was every customer!)

… And numerous beers at the Panjika and “Old Men’s” bars, including a memorable jam session with guest drummer Warby.

There are a few photos in the following gallery to give you a flavour (apologies to those of you I haven’t captured in glorious technicolor – we didn’t all make it to all the same crags; please either add your photos here or send me a few and I’ll upload them).

Thanks to everyone who came along for your good company and especially stoicism on the couple of grim days (particularly in the face of reports from home of the hottest February ever!) Perhaps SunRock 2020 should be in The Peak 🙂

Cheers (or Yamas!) Dom and Helen

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