Beudy Mawr Logbook 1961-1983

The Logbook has gone missing. The last time it was seen was last November when Eddie Birch returned it (after using it for some research work). Eddie brought it back to the hut during Chris Foster’s Mines meet. It was only when we needed the Logbook recently to look through it for material for Peter Roberts’ obituary when we couldn’t find it at the hut.

If you have borrowed it, please get in touch with me. Thanks.

One comment

  1. I’m certain that when I returned it to Chris Foster on the Sunday afternoon of his meet, my plan had been to return it to Bill Deakin, from whom I had received it. However the weather being poor most people had left for home, Bill amongst them. So I asked Chris to pass it on to him personally. I do hope it turns up, Please keep me informed.

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