Beudy bookings update

Under latest Welsh Covid rules, from 7 June, up to 3 ‘households’ can join together to become an ‘extended household’. For Beudy, this means 3 sets of people can use the hut communally, subject to following the guidance on social distancing, hygiene measures, etc.

The next Welsh review is on 21st June, but personally, I can’t see them straying too far from the English position of delaying a full reopening until mid/late July.

Steve and I have Member bookings as follows for the next few weeks:-

18 June (1 household,1 night);
2-4 July (2 households, 2 nights);
16-18 July (1 household, 2 nights);
23-26 July (1 household, 3 nights)
30 July -2 August (3 households, 3 nights).

If you want to make a booking, please let me or Steve know. You will need to confirm that everyone has read and will abide by all the Covid stuff on the website. If you have read it, you will know that there are no pillows or tea towels in the hut.

That is the position as it stands. If there is any change, we will let you know.

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