President’s Update 19th July: Huts and Meets

As you will be aware, the English, Welsh and Scottish Governments have announced a further easing of Coronavirus restrictions over the last week. We are awaiting updated guidance from the BMC before finalising new guidance for the future use of individual Huts.

Importantly “appropriate and reasonable” steps to manage the risk of infection will have to stay in place; this means continuing to follow the Coronavirus guidance we have in place for the use of the Huts at present.As a consequence, this will continue to affect the numbers of people we can allow into each hut at any one time and that the 48hr ‘down time’ between use by members will remain until such time as there is a change in BMC guidance.


Huts:The update on individual Hut use is as follows and takes account of the local restrictions:

High Moss: Whilst the English Government has indicated that all restrictions are to be lifted from 19thJuly, statements such as “we cannot simply revert instantly from Monday July 19 to life as it was before Covid” [Prime Minister during his Downing Street Press Conference last week when confirming restrictions were to be lifted], implies we need to move with caution. We await updated guidance from the BMC and for next weekend at least [July 24/25] will continue to use the current regulations i.e. a maximum of two households, known to each other,may book. Assuming we get updated guidance from the BMC this coming week, this may change from next Monday [26thJuly], which conveniently coincides with the next Committee Meeting; changes will be publicised on the Website.

Beudy Mawr: The Welsh Government update has been clearer; as of 17thJuly Wales moved to Level 1 and this means that up to six people may meet indoors at any one time. As a result, up to six members may use the Hut at any one time. If members opt to camp and use the facilities their numbers will contribute to the total of six, whilst self-contained [i.e. not using the hut facilities] campers/motorhomes can be additional. The Welsh Government has indicated that a further easing of restrictions may occur on 7thAugust pending review nearer the time; updated information on booking will then be provided.

Craigallan: The Scottish Government has indicated a move to Level 1 on 19thJuly however the hut is already fully booked until the end of August to levels that are considered safe, which is two households known to and trusted by each other. This will remain in place to ensure we comply with the need to take ‘appropriate and reasonable steps’. Further easing of restrictions may occur from 9thAugust, but this is subject to review nearer the time. However, as members have already made bookings on the understanding that current guidance is in place to help reduce the risk of spread, these will be honoured. Self-contained campervan/motorhome bookings are available throughout August. Information on bookings from the beginning of September will be available as soon as there is further guidance from the Scottish Government.

Please contact the Hut Wardens for queries about the individual Huts. Please be patient with them, as they have a very difficult job trying to manage the Huts at present, as you will understand. At present we continue to restrict hut booking to members only.


This is a good time to reiterate a few important guidelines that we ask all members visiting huts to adhere to:

  1. Make yourself aware of, and follow, the current Government health guidelines
  2. Do not set off to visit a hut if you have symptoms
  3. Take and use your own PPE i.e. face masks and sanitising fluid. You will also need to take any bedding you require [including pillows] and tea towels/washing up liquid]
  4. Keep all surfaces regularly cleaned
  5. Ventilate the buildings by opening doors and windows but remember to shut them when leaving the building empty
  6. When you leave take everything with you that you have brought in [including all rubbish]
  7. Finally, please be respectful of other members who may be using the hut alongside you at the time


Meets: We hope that full weekend Meets based at one of our huts will recommence as soon as possible. I am hopeful that this can be discussed and agreed at our next Committee Meeting provided we have updated guidance from the BMC. I will ensure you are made aware of any changes as soon as possible after that meeting [26thJuly].


With infection rates rising rapidly the current situation appears more uncertain as each day goes by. Given this uncertainty, Government guidance may change quickly; your Committee will continue to respond quickly and appropriately to any changes that occur and I will ensure regular updates on the Website as and when needed.


If any member has any general concerns about this guidance, please contact me directly.



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