Mountain Medicine Winter Webinar Series commencing 26th October with Dr Finlay Wild

The British Mountain Medicine Society (BMMS) and University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) are delighted to announce the dates and speakers for the 2021/22 Mountain Medicine Winter Webinar Series. Like last year, each webinar will last for one hour and feature a talk from a fascinating guest speaker. In addition, there will be plenty of time set aside for questions and comments at the end!

CPD approval has been sought from the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh). A certificate of attendance will be provided to those who complete the feedback questionnaire. 

Places are free to BMMS members. A charge of £3 is payable by non-members. 

The first in the series is by Dr Finlay Wild entitled: “Going On My Own” – Moving Fast And Light In The Mountains at 2000 GMT – Tuesday 26th October 2021


Finlay works as a GP on the west coast of Scotland and is well known to the fell running community for his extraordinary achievements in the hills. Ten times winner of the Ben Nevis Race, Finlay has broken countless records including the traverse of the Cuillin Ridge (2:59:22!) and the Welsh 3000’s (4:10:48!). Most recently, he completed the 58 mile Ramsay Round, solo and unsupported, in under 15 hours – breaking the previous record by more than 90 minutes! Speaking about it later, he said, “Everyone likes a good story of something massive happening and you having to dig in to overcome it. But on the opposite side of the coin, preparation is key. I was prepared mentally for it. I knew the route well so I could visualise it. The only thing that would have made me bail would have been if I was slowing because of the weather…” 

Is there anyone better qualified to talk about what it takes to move quickly and safely in the mountains? I doubt it! What a great way to kick off this year’s Mountain Medicine Winter Webinar Series!

Places can be booked here.

Details of the full 2020/2021 series can be found here…it is well worth signing up to this fantastic series of lectures which will be of interest to all interested in climbing and the mountains, whether medical or lay. 

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