Photos needed for 2023 calendar!

Last year’s Rucksack Club Charity Calendar raised over £4,000 for Climbers Against Cancer and we’re teaming up again with CAC for 2023. Closing date for photos is the end of September, but why not strike while the iron is hot and send me your contributions NOW!
– Landscape format, full-resolution photos featuring club members in action between Oct 21 and Sept 22 (I aim to have each month feature photos from the same month the previous year)
– Extra bonus points if you are wearing a CAC T-SHIRT (haven’t got one – get in touch and we’ll sort that!)
– Please indicate month – subject – photo credit, ideally in the file name eg “June – Andy Tomlinson on Black Slab, Stanage. Photo Tim Taylor.JPG” – if that’s too tricky just include the info in an email
– Please email to me at
What are you waiting for? Get In There!
Cheers, Dom

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