Overnight parking at Edale 👎

Heads up for anyone planning to leave a car in Edale for after their Marsden to Edale hike: unfortunately the new manager of the Ramblers will not accept overnight parking there (only for residents). I explained we would pay and that this is a longstanding thing etc, but they wouldn’t budge. Doublers will have to use the main council car park, which I believe is £6 for the chargeable period 8am to 6pm tomorrow. I’m inclined to finish and celebrate my hike at the Nag’s Head rather than the Ramblers now!


  1. Yep, the Nags started two have a two week annual shutdown in early January. If they are back to being open again, then we could move it back to the Nags in future.

    btw – sounds like I’ll have to pop in to the Nags for a quick one on the way to the Ramblers – just to see who is there 🙂

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