Wifi at Beudy

Many of you will know that I’d like to see more people use Beudy – it’s a wonderful place but often lies empty ( sometimes for weeks on end). Midweek and family usage is minimal. It got me thinking of ways of improving that situation. So – to that end, you may have seen in Meetstaff that there is a proposal to install Wifi at the hut.

I am putting together a paper for the Committee to consider at the next meeting on 17 February. So that the Committee can be fully informed, I would like to ask Members for their views so that I can incorporate them into the paper.

If you have a view please let me know as soon as you can by emailing me direct (billdeakin@yahoo.com). It would be helpful if you could indicate whether you actually use Beudy, or would/would not use it if Wifi was put in. I know many Members will have strong opinions but I would like to try and get a feel from those who are currently active in the Welsh mountains.

Hoping to hear from you.


  1. It would be a ‘yes’ from me too.
    I know some folk like to switch off and be away from it all, myself included. However, I would be more inclined to use the hut on my own and stay longer if there was wifi, as I could get other ‘things’ done in the evening. Being able to sort emails, or tidy up a bit of work instead of having to head home to do it would extend some of my stays.

  2. Yes from me too. Even at my advanced age I find the loss of internet access a pain. It must be torture for young people. Apart from keeping in touch, I miss getting local weather updates, checking routes on mapping apps, bus timetables, etc. So there is a safety element, which can only grow as time goes on.

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