Beudy Meet, 18/19 Jan

Who’s Up for a Winter Weekend in North Wales?
Yes, don’t forget to book in on my Beudy Mawr Meet on 18/19 January for fun, frolics and food.
(In fact, even if you think you’ve already booked in, please book in again as several people have asked to book on the Meet at a time when I didn’t have anywhere to write it down, so unless your name happens to be Charles B or Ian H I’m not currently planning to cater for you. Apologies, the little grey cell – singular – has been struggling to keep up recently!)
But I am confident there are a limited number of places left. So don’t delay, do it now, commit to 2 days of fun at everyone’s favourite Welsh hut, owned by The Rucksack Club, with the initials BM!
Contact details as in the Handbook.

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